Some Suggestions for this great Game

    Jul 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hi guys,

    i know most of my suggestions probably hat been postet or even planned but i just wanted to list them all up so here it is. For first i want to say i just LOVE this game. Its really great and has incredible potential.

    So now to my Suggestions:

    1. Ship building would be much easier if the Core block would be movable in build mode

    2. It should be possible to assign more than one computer to one Slot. So the Designing of weapon batterys would be easier too

    3. Some blocks should have more options. For example, the gravity block should have a saved state so i dont have to activate it again and again, or even automatic on, and it should be on for everyone whos in the gravity zone. I mean its cool when it could be turned off, but i think i shouldnt have to turn it on. And a remote control for it from the core would be fine too. And a Remote controll for Doors of course.

    4. I know its been suggested a lot but different weapons. Most of the other suggestions are just as mine. especially beam type weapons. And things like Supercharged engergy Balls. Use a huge ton of energy, needs like for ever to charge but can do severe damage to even a huge station or something like that.

    5. Ok i think enhancements for the Bobby AI are planned anyways, so i wont mention that, but something else about turrets. Lets assume my turrets are mounted and used by other players. if they leave the turret, they shouldnt be in space but in my ship. so lets call it an entrance block or something which you could link with the turret or so.

    6. Ok i dont know if its makeable, but i would like a self destruct mode. With a huge explosion and a ton of damage. Calculated by the amount of Generators, the actual energy level and the mass of the ship.

    7. Seperatable parts. I think it would be cool if i could severe lets say a wing that it wouldnt be attached anymore.

    8. I think it should be possible to Salvage a active ship if the shield is down. Why shouldnt it work?

    9. It would be really cool if you could build orbital Cannons on planets or stations.

    10. Better Navigation. Its pretty hard to find one person or so in Space.

    EDIT: 11. Better Perspectives. Some way to look around in the ship without moving it. i dont want to smash everyone to death just because im looking around ;-)

    EDIT: 12. And it would be cool if another one of my faction could enter lets say the salvage cpu block while im in the core block. so he could control my salvage beams or weapons or so. so i could make a big ship with a crew. Would be nice.

    EDIT: 13. Something like a Parking engine would be cool to. So that if im standing still im really standing still and if i got rammed than it works against it. And it would be cool in the Atmosphere of a planet so i can hover over it or so.

    EDIT: 14. And i suggest some kind of Lens. For bundling lasers or such. Yeah Yeah i know you can combine them already. But i thought of that, you have a battery of 9 salvage lasers with 20 blocks per beam. So now you put a lens in front of them and combine the beams to one Bigger beam. not a 9 block square though, but one pretty big on lets say 2x2 blocks or so. this way you can create a Massive laserbeam. Or a adjustable Lens so you have lets say one Beam with 400 Salvage Cannons and adjust the beam with the lens so that its a 9 block square beam. Of course the beam at it is is weaker then the beam just at one point but wider.

    Ok i dont know if my suggestions are even acceptable and i know the most of them are probably already suggested or even planned but here they are. Hope some of the ideas Going to be implemented.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    These are some very good ideas, however there are a few problems...

    1.Good but very hard to do, as removing a core would make the ship none existant anymore due to the fact it would jetason you from the core, meaning you would have a flying pile of space debris that is uncontrolable, as you cannot place cores on anything (core elements cannot be placed), and if they made it so you could, i bet my life we would see some retard flying around in a planet or asteroid.

    2.Rather than asigning multiple computers, i think it would be better to have stuff such as like blocks that you need to link multiple computers to then you link THAT to the core, meaning more of a logic based system of connection allowing for delayed launches or like you suggested, better weapon launch sequences.

    3.I think this would be better implimented when more survival aspects are introduced (if they are ofc) such as oxygen, maybe an automated airlock that makes you enter the gravity well when it has finished cycling, to stop people floating paste and just randomly entering your gravity well, as this could be abused (eg flying block of lava with an autogravity well: death machine)

    4.I agree, an offensive rather than technical beam weapon would be good, along with more powerful weapons that need to be charged, maybe an upgrade like system eg surrounding antimatter cannons with some sort of overcharger would be good.

    5.I agree to a certain level, however i think it would be much more efficent to have a remote control system that would have to be attached to the insides of the ship of whom the turret was docked, (basicly a block that you get in and it makes it look like your controling the turret but when you leave your back at the block you got in.)

    6.HELL YES, but i think you would need to have a certain mass and power storage along with a selfdestruct control system to stop this being overpowered, otherwise noobs could just make a 10block big ship and divebomb your flagship and boom, your dead.

    7.I agree also, i don\'t know if this is what you was thinking, but i imagine this as when a part of the ship has been blasted off and is nolonger connected it should represent its own entity, however this should only happen for parts of say... 20 blocks to stop a lot of entitys causing lag.

    8.Salvaging active ships is a really bad idea, because it undo\'s one of the previous patches that stopped them being used as a weapon (i think that its intended as a way of mining and saving parts of wrecked ships rather than ripping working, manned ships apart)

    9.Yes but they should use they\'re own category in shops and be expensive, with their own weapon type systems.

    10. Maybe some sort of beacon system? (eg: by a distress beacon and people can see a nav marker for 4x the normal distance in the navigation labeled DISTRESS.)

    11.I agree, but rather than a whole new system, you should see out of the front of the cockpits, so you could orient them to face diferent directions, rather than how they work atm, allways facing the front of the ship.

    12.I\'m pretty sure you allready can.
    Jul 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    1. Oh i think you misunderstood how i meant to move the core block. I thought so that you cant remove the coreblock, but move in the range of the ship. Like just move it some blocks to the back or so.

    2. YEAH great idea. Just like that.

    3. Hm yeah it would be cool like that, but the Gravity is rather annoying with the activation all the time

    4. Exactly something like that. A Really Really strong weapon with disatvantages like slow and huge power consumption

    5. Your right, thats a more convinient way of doing that. Than my buddys no longer are lost in space if they leave the turrets ^^

    6. So im not the only one XD yeah of course it has to be good calculated. Huge dependency to the mass of the ship and the amount of power cores i think. so small ships cant do that much damage.

    7. Yeah thats what i thought. yes good idea. so little parts still stick to the ship, but big chunks wil drift as own entity in space. Would be cool. And so you have to think twice before designing a ship like the enterprise or such ^^

    8. Ok the part with the salvage beam, i can understand that. was just an idea. Its right, would be very op on second thought.

    9. Yeah of course. But would be cool to defend your base with more than just normal anti matter cannons.

    10. Yeah something like that would be cool.

    11. Hmm. But then you would have to switch cockpits just for looking around. would be annoying i think. I thought more like i press alt and can look around without the ship moving.

    12. Really??!! oh sorry for that ^^.