Some Player protection suggestion

    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    -Now hear my tale, when i started in a server i made a scavaging ship. it was highly effecient, i then started harvesting derlicht stations and astroids. this was pretty good i thought. but then i found it a big ship, someone spent ages bulding this capitol ship and it was really impressive. but no one was in it, so i gave it a test fire with my salveger and lo and behold i started mining it. After eating half of it with my laser beams, with each and every block in my inventory the person owning it got on. He was understandbly mad, and started ranting about how this took him forever to build. This led me to realize somthing we need better protection for our ships when we arnt their to protect them. Here is what i think needs to be done about it.

    -When ever someone logs off while in a ship of their making that ship and anything that is in it or on it aka turrets smaller docked ships should leave with the player. meaning when the player is gone the ship is no longer there.

    -Ship protection, when a player builds a ship it needs to be assigned to the player so someone can't come over and swipe it. Now if you want multiple people using it just use the faction block our have another option in the core to give that player access.

    -Spawn protection, and this is with at least the first spawn shop. that sector needs to be off limits meaning no pvp. Just because someone makes a deathstar doesn't mean he should come over and flex his might against people who just started out. Thats a bit unfair and make it hard for starting players to get a foot in the system.

    -And about ships that are abandoned. lets say someone left it just hanging out. Make it so after a 2-3 days that ship becomes free game for everyone. this way you can keep down the number of ships no one uses while allowing someone who isnt docked someplace the ablility to move around without getting their ship eaten up by the likes of me and or anyone.

    So i think this would be super helpful.

    CaptainPinkiePie of the SS_JackieChan out.