some more fiddly bits to interact in ships

    Oct 25, 2013
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    Well, the title might be a little vauge, but honestly theres a broader idea here, so thats going to have to do.

    what I'm proposing is the idea of functioning blocks within a ship that can react and function--

    1.) droids and crew-- this one should explain itself. the notion of adding NPC's to your stations and vessals adds a whole new level of versitility to your game. crew could be programmed with pre-made directives that can be issued and passed around the ship via a crew communications module. droids can do similar though are suited to specific tasks and require power to function.

    2.)block entity functioning on interior blocks-- ever try and make a repair module inside your ship only to find out the repair beam goes straight through the ship and fixes nothing? yea, would be nice to have energy drain and give as well, which segueys into my next suggestion

    3.)Compartmentalized energy-- multi core energy producers would be interesting to have, allowing one to divert power from one component to another in the ship to make a little more tactical decisions other than 'mass shields, and armor the fuck outta your hull'

    4.)non-combat AI blocks-- Bobby AI for repair turrets and salvage cannons. this would be very nice for mining and salvaging vessals. whats more, this opens a whole pandora's box of new possibilities along side your crew and drones.

    5.)Crew quarters and decorative blocks for ship interiors-- pretty simple really, just some new models to make the inside of the ship to feel like the inside of the ship

    6.)new weapons!-- prbably suggested a few times before, but looking to other sci-fi franchises, an assortment of pointy bits would be fun to play with, ranging from remote control drone ships (combine with dis-intigrators for explosive fun!) to beam lances, to plasma and EMP cannons. I feel things like these are probably already in development, but it never hurts to offer ones ideas.

    SO yea, I dunno, what all do you guys think? I'd love to see these kind of ideas implimented in the future for starmade. I think it could really enrichen gameplay on the side of other suggestions I've seen so far in the forums.