Some bugs

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Sound settings arent saved, it changes every time you log in/out.

    Mouse cursor is not centered on both the ingame and menu cusors.

    If someone has a high ping/does something intense on the server everyone's pings raise. You should look into putting each connection into its own thread. To do this well I would recommend using . It allows you to set a max ammount of threads (so you dont keep re-creating threads).

    Mass of a ship does not include turret's mass/docked ships. You could build one small ship and put a huge ship over it, build around that smaller ship, and than you have an unstopable ship that turns on a dime.

    If your mouse cursor is over an item when you open your inventory that tooltip gets stuck and cannot be removed.

    I keep getting random server NPEs. It seems to happen when a client fails to connect.

    When you move into another sector your pitch/yaw/coods arent perserved. This to me doesnt make the game feel like a "seemless" universe game.