(Solved) ZipException: Not in GZIP format


    Jul 9, 2013
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    Greetings all,
    I have an odd issue that arose after I finalized my custom textures. Let me break it down as easy as possible to what I have done.

    1.) copied folder and subfolders for customblockconfig and customblock textures (to have the proper layout)

    2.) setup BlockConfigImportTemplate.xml (made sure structure was correct via the example and renamed it to BlockConfigImport.xml)

    3.) added the pink and white checker board texture to the corresponding custom.png (I have 64, 128 ,and 256 versions of what basically was t002.png i just renamed them to custom.png and placed them into the proper folders)

    4.) i then added my custom textures (35 of them) to the custom.png, also as a side note i did skip the first block
    just in case it acts like the t002.png does /or did. Update: it does count the first texture block

    5.) copied my finished work, folders and subfolders of customblockconfig and customblock textures to the main game folder (moving the originals to a safe area and to still have them just in case :) )

    6.) I start up Starmade via the launcher (newest) and I click start. I get the ZipException: Not in GZIP format error. The game gives me a choice to continue (which I can't) or exit. So, I obviously select exit, though I admit I did try continue a couple times...lol didn't do any good.

    7.) I even deleted the pack.zip and it still gives me that error, and it creates a pack.zip

    So, what could possibly cause this error? Is there something I forgot to do? lol this is what I get for wanting to get my server updated to the new way of distributing custom configs n textures ;) Any help and info appreciated, and I thank all that reply.

    lol SOLVED: apparently I didn't put the closing arg. for the commented out section
    </Hulls> --> I was missing the green part at the end to close off the commented out part. Well, let this be a solution to anyone that had this same issue.
    to recap the solution:
    when you comment out something with the start of <!--
    you must also end with -->
    so the whole thing together would look like:

    <!-- <Hulls>
    this will only replace the price of the grey hull in the config
    and leave any other value alone -->

    I hope this helps anyone else that has had this issue and couldnt figure out what it was.
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