Solar Power, Living Stars, Moons

    Jun 27, 2013
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    [Solar Panels] Energy Collection from stars, moons/satellites,oceans from planets(if water is implimented)

    [Star Orbit] Who knows how The Doctor does it. On the finale of Season 2 of Doctor Who when Doctor said farewell to Rose by harnessing the power of a supernebula. Death Star anyone?

    [Star Life Cycle] Not much comment.

    [Orbit Around a Planet/Solar System] I can easily destroy my ship when I log off right? What if I crash and my ship is just floating around asking to be spacejacked! Planetary Orbit shall keep my poor ship moving and hard to target. Yeah, faster ships can catch up and shoot her down, but the sheer fact that I could also use the gravity/atmosphere of a planet to escape danger while active ingame?

    [Entering Atmosphere] Should damage your ship and we should have far greater shields that magnify protection and cease all powerconsumption and put it into protectng the ship.

    [FX] I dont know if its b'cus of me not able to work a power beam but there should be a power drain effetc on the targeted ship when it is successful havnt tried astrotech, powersupply beams and they shold have FX as well if not already.

    Edits Addded

    [Tractor Beams] I would enjoy tractor beaming enemy ships just for the heck of it. obviously you would need a larger systerm for larger ships. I would like to be able to have upgrades for it, an idea would be stasis so that the ship couldnt attack me while in the tractor beam; if it pulls in objects maybe weapons aimed into the tractor beam would do more damage and or travel faster, which adds more purppose to stasis. A sort of Powerdrain beam upgrade With the Tractor Beam that maybe isnt quite an upgrade it just goes off at the same time as the TB.

    [Plasma Seperator] Okay, blocks that damage other ships it touches. Direct contact and it destroys the blocks so you could ram people to death.

    Thats it for now forgive me if my grammer is awkward, I just wanted to get the words typed out.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Not much comment needed indeed. Even short lived stars live for millions of years. There is zero point in having any form of stellar life cycle for any purpose of realism.

    Tractors could be nice. ESPECIALLY for ships when you have a friend along for the ride. Grab the enemy while your friend in the weapons computer hammers away at the vessel, which is no longer able to weave around and avoid your friend\'s shots.

    I agree that better ship-locking and protections are a good idea. And they will probably add to that at some point.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    You dont need them to actually change in life cycle of active stars, maybe just have different forms of stars scattered across the univers proto, main sequence, red giant, supernova, neutron, puslar(or whatever its called it spins around really fast), black hole anyone? The ship system would tell you to retract all the things and back up from it so an invisible wall would block you from it. Idk how they could make this look interesting besides the name but I might think of something.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    YEAH! thats what i\'d like! i was actually going to suggest it but i guess you beat me to it xD .. but with these beams, imagine the new trolling that people would do.. they could wait at spawn with heavily shielded ship and just tractor beam the other ship and it cant do anything xD which would be a pain for the smaller ship though.. so there should be a duration limit.. like a maximum of 20 seconds or, once the ship is dragged and touches your ship the cooldown should commence.. the cooldown duration will vary on configuration and such, like the other beams and weapons..
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Yep it would be trolly, however, just a large power usage would be my solution like cloaking and it doesntt have to pull ships amazingly fast,and indefinitly. Think about you flying away in a small fast ship followed by a super giant at spawn. Your small fast ship is small and fast and their beams can only slow you down if they are behind you or if they are beside you, you drift in that direction not an immediate pull, just a nudge despite the power behind it no matter how many tractor beams they have, having to focus on a small ship with supreme speed is less than a dogfight, its elementary. A radius would have to fix that but a larger radius would need more beams, like docking. This might be a bit crazy of an explanation but I hope it is one none the less.

    Jun 24, 2013
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    They already have something like the plasma seperator, its called the dis-integrator.