So I seem to be having a Problem with Phsysics...

    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    So, I just finished my ship that I had been working on for a few hours, tweeked the power, cannons, shields, everything so it was just right... Decided to then go search for a planet to make a base on, after a bit of traveling I found one and landed. Everything went smoothly, landed perfectly and evenly... then I stopped piloting the ship at which point it went "You know what? Imma ignore the laws of physics!" and promptly rocketed me out of my ship thanks to the "auto unstuck" feature in game.

    A bit confused I turn around to see my ship now pivoting on its nose back and forth until finally stopping like this...

    I am pretty sure I know why its doing that by assumption, that its the core being in the front of the ship, but being unable to move it I wanted to ask is there a way to counter the fact that its abnormally front heavy or am I going to have to get use to parking head first into a planet?

    When building the ship I did not know about the extra cockpits otherwise I would have place the core in the middle of this ship and made sure it was EXTRA secure. But the tutorial made me think that I HAD to have it up front to pilot the ship :S

    What do I do to fix this or should I just start over?