Small suggestions/fixes

    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Greetings readers,

    After playing this game, I can see that it has great potential and will be great down the road.

    I have noticed some interesting things and I have a few suggestions:

    1. Sound effects seem to be an issue. This is more of a bug than a suggestion.

    2.Fix the location that the player gets placed at when exiting the shipcore/cockpit. I keep falling out the bottom, being throw in a direction or just teleported a ways away from my ship when I exit the core.

    3.There does not seem to be much of a point to visiting planets. I seem to be able to get anything I need from asteroids, shops, ships, etc. I would suggest making some big reason for going to planets. They are also quite hard to take off from with any sized ship, so maybe some type of verticle thrusters for more control in the up and down directions when interacting with gravity.

    4.I find it hard to get arround quickly. I knwo there is some sort of sector change command, but I think there should be some sort of placable warp location and a warp core for ships that allow them to warp to the beacons that were previously placed.

    5. It would be nice to have some sort of map to keep track of where I have been. Im not quite sure how this would work, and it might be quite hard, but it would be nice.

    Now, I am quite new to this, and I might have missed something of importance. I appologize if that is the case. Thank you for reading this.
