Shipyards: Anchor = Computer


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Okay, this happens every time I'm working on a design.

    I go to the shipyard computer in my station, start editing the design. I warp over to the actual shipyard anchor that I have free floating several hundred meters out away from the station (I build large shipyards, what can I say). I work on my design, usually log out there after a while, come back and...

    ...and the design unloads and I'm left floating in space having to build a pod to fly back to the computer to turn everything back on.

    Now, I have some good idea on why this happens. The design unloads when the sector unloads. You drop out at the core of the holoship because thats how it handles putting you into the build mode, it actually moves your character to the core. Would require some massive coding changes to change either of those.

    So, how about something simple? Could we make the anchor point itself into a clone of the shipyard computer? So that we can just click on the anchor and load our design back up without having to hoof it all the way back into our station?