Shipyard Build Mode from Shipyard Computer


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Could we perhaps make entering build mode for a shipyard something we can do from the computer, instead of having to physically go out into the yard and get in the core like it was an actual ship?

    I don't know about others, but I added a shipyard to my existing station, which means I put the shipyard computer in with the rest of my station computers, while the shipyard itself is well off to one side. Which means I have to tell the computer to start a new project, leave the computer, take a lift down to my docking area to exit the station, jump in/build a pod, fly a couple hundred meters off to the side to get into the shipyard, find the core (not as easy as it sounds since the core is dark in hologram mode and my shipyard is large), and then I can start building.

    It would be much nicer if I could just say "Start a new project" and be immediately taken into build mode instead of having physically move over to the shipyard.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    It would be much nicer if I could just say "Start a new project" and be immediately taken into build mode instead of having physically move over to the shipyard.
    This, or a separate CAD workstation where you go into design mode, and when finished, transfer the design to the manufacturing section (current shipyard computer), manually or wirelessly.
    Some time ago there was talk about adding functions to the decorative PC, like mail access; a CAD program would fit in nice, too...
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