Ships of a certain size

    Nov 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    If you're flying a ship, say, 2500 blocks or less large, when you log off while flying it the ship should leave with you. I say this because I play on some servers where everyone has a monstorous battleship (and there's a lot of servers like that) and I have to fly a very far distance off so I can leave without having my ship obliterated while I can't do anything about it.
    Nov 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    Join a faction and dock your ship at your home base before you log off. Ships docked at a homebase are indestructible.

    If you don\'t want to join a faction, start your own and drop a faction module on a planet or asteroid somewhere and make that your homebase. Then build a dock and dock with it and you won\'t have to worry about anyone shooting your stuff while you\'re offline.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    while I understand your trying to help, but you are coming off a bit rude doing so.

    1. what if its too big to dock? its highly impractical to build a docking space for a massive capital ship. because for one thing, the number of docking enhancers needed to do so would cost more than the ship its docking.

    2. it dosnt stop someone from stealing your ship. ive seen alot of big faction fleets in some servers where some members ran off with other players (Some were fellow members some were not) ships. some of them even went so far as removing thier fellow members faction modules so they could then move them over to thier pirate faction. while I also understand if your in a faction where this is possible its your fault for joining, but that seems seriously shortsighted of schema to let that be so easy to do.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    the number of docking enhancers needed to do so would cost more than the ship its docking.

    No it wouldn\'t.

    ive seen alot of big faction fleets in some servers where some members ran off with other players (Some were fellow members some were not) ships

    That\'s why you make your own.