Ship wreckage!

    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score

    Ok for this I will pain the image in your mind, your going through the sectors in the cruiser when suddenly your sensers pick somthing up, on raidar it looks as if its an astoid, but coms are picking up a distress beacon. you fly in its direction and you finnely come up on what apears to be a ship! one which has been long forgoten, the crew eather long gone or dead, A cold, ghostly husk of its former glory. You bathe its hull in your search lights, examining it, from what you can see theres massive hull damage, probably from pirates or somthing of the like. Being who you are you decide to dock your ship and enter it, power is out and all the ships systems are offline, As you float your way down its halls, all you can hear is inhale and exhale of your beathing aperatis, and the creaking of the old ship, giveing you an eerie feeling of being completely alone.


    Mkay, so now that you all have the mental picture, what do you guys think? It would be pretty cool to find random ships, jsut liek the space stations. it would add a bit of "history" to the game, and maybe there could be diffrent kinds of ships? not jsut one reaccuring one which would probably spawn rather rarely (or maybe just in sectors controlled by pirates) some ships would have cargo as if it were a cargo ship back in its day, or maybe weapon systems from fighters?

    Im not sure, but the idea jsut hit me reading about a guy who lost his ship from somehow dieing from fall damage in space... ANYWAY, you all decide, id love feedback on the idea! :D
    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    Well... the idea sounds great...

    This could be a way to get some blocks like shields etc.

    But the ship have to be a static object in space (you can\'t fix it and fly away).

    Jul 4, 2013
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    I think fixing it and flying away should be an option though it should be damaged so not many feel it\'s worth the time to patch it up and bring everything back online
    Jun 7, 2013
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    • Purchased!
    ..which in practice would rarely work.

    Aside from great minority from what I can see, people would approach such derelict very practically - \'Oh look, a pile of free hull blocks and other modules\' and throw themselves at it like hungry locust plague on a field. Though sure, some mostly destroyed wreck where 90% of non-hull and non-weapon blocks would be missing (or exchanged with some sort of generic, worthless \'a mess of burned electronics\' block) would be interesting, if only to add to the scenery.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    you can salvage it or fix it up, naturaly spawned like the asteroid, but also like a mob so more can spawn after others have been removed. basicaly just a new mob.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    I like this idea very much. it would add the possibility of economy. of salvagers and mechanics. basically you could repair a vroke ship you find, take it to your base and then sell it. or give it away. and it would add a nice scenic touch. maybe let them spawn near pireate-stations, or something like that.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Ship wreckage could add some randomnes to the universe, which is so predictible at times. It would add some \"history\" to it as he put it.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    As much as I like it, there\'s some potential for imbalance.

    Do wrecks spawn the same way that pirates do? If so, one could get filthy rich by finding a ship that had hundreds of ice crystals and a faction block? Not necessarily a bad thing, but something you should consider
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    I see your point, but in my mind it wouldnt be about the \"loot\" more about things to find out in space.. like one of the suggestion, you would get things like \"Fried electronics\" blocks and things liek that, more of a block for looks rather then price, I doubte such materials would fetch any credits from the shops :3