Ship Sub-Systems / Something else to Aim at besides Core

    Aug 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    So I read this thread (mostly the first post)

    And it became clear (I don't really like his idea but it brings up a good point), which is combat is purely designed on killing the ship core. Thats it.

    What we need is SUB SYSTEMS. So when you target a ship, you can press another button and see "weapons computer", "bobbyai", "salvage computer".

    And then you know to aim THERE instead (if you want).

    The only problem with this is, we basically all group them together, so you half the time will break the weapons computer along with the ship core by accident.

    So I believe what has to happen, is, where possible, the game complicates weapon computers etc with either Toggable "SLAVE MODE" weapon computers (sort of like activing/deactivating bobbyai). So you still have your main computer, but basically every cannon you have, you need a weapons computer in slave mode attached a block of it.

    This is what will connect the cannon to the main weapon computer. This is so you can then start targetting invidividual cannons to destroy. Rather than always pounding the heavily guarded shipcore.

    As each cannon is generally in a different area of the ship, the slave-mode weapons computer block has to be there too. It's only purpose really is so the enemy can target it. Also makes building weapons more complex (which can be a good thing). Move this game more to a Mecano state, rather than Lego.

    Same for salvage cannons, astrobeams, and any other, maybe even thrust computers too.

    I'm not sure I love this idea, but making individual cannons selectable, (as the enemy) would be painful as unless it reports "original DPS" so you know how much damage you have done, you could be unnessesarily pounding away at a cannon with only 2 blocks left when theres 10 others severely beating you.