Ship separation/parting

    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I have seen ships come under attack and end up almost clean cut down the middle but can still fly as one whole part, what if when a section of a ship is separated, it falls off the ship like debris and the player has to go and salvage it or something.

    It would also be cool for asteroids, stations, shops and perhaps even planets!

    Picture this, big server, massive fights, flying into this new sector in your beautiful new ship, nice, symetrical, engines on each side and stuff, then you fly into this bit of a ship that's floating around in space, then some more of it, like a huge spaceship graveyard. Out of nowhere another player swoops down and shoots one engine clean off, it floats away adding to the debris field as you try to limp away on one lonely engine.

    Would also make players think more about construction, about how many joins there are between parts, forcing more focus on actual substance of the ships rather than just "GUNS ENGINES POWER, WOOOOOOO"

    I do the same thing on minecraft that I''ll be doing here, despite the fact that structure doesn't matter, I still add supports, thicken walls and make as many joins as possible