Ship Dodging

    Oct 11, 2015
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    This concept introduces two blocks:
    The B.L.U.E. computer- This block controls the distance, triggers, and direction the ship will be positioned.
    Distance can be set between side-by-side and about 2000m away. Triggers can be things such as being hit, on command, randomly/when charged, or when a ship is in close proximity. Direction is either towards an enemy ship, towards a waypoint/selected object, or randomly.
    The B.L.U.E. module- Consumes about ~750-1000 power per block. The charge time for a system is dependent on the power generation.

    Put all together: Many ships may find it hard to fight back when under attack from another ship, or would like to dodge much of the incoming fire. I give you the B.L.U.E. system, allowing ships to effectively dodge oncoming fire. This system allows a ship to jump within the sector into any position they want, or randomly. There are, of course flaws, as any system has: It is affected by the jump inhibitor and whenever a ship jumps, docked entities and shield regen is disabled for 4-7 seconds.

    Thank you for reading!
    PS: B.L.U.E. is just a random name. Feel free to make another one.


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    Though I feel this would be more annoying than useful in the long-run, it's probably possible with area detectors, I dunno if you can missiles or cannon shot but if you can you could link the area detector to a strong pull beam on a docked entity.


    Press F to pay respects
    Feb 17, 2015
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    I disagree with this idea and offer a counterpoint that you can do this already in the game using existing systems.