Ship Core.

    Sep 16, 2013
    Reaction score
    Make it Able to fix a ship core that has been broken, Like a gun that fixes it or a machine that you can make.

    When you have been in a fight, and your core is broken you want to get it fixed....
    Aug 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    I think that you are saying that you shoudnt instantly die when the ship core is brought down but simply ejected from it gving you time to fix the core if neccesary. i think an easy way to add this is to add a gun astro technician gun type which allows you to fix parts of your vessel without using a ship. but of course if you add this you will have to do two things..... make it so that you can\'t get back in the ship until it is repaired (because if you do enter a damaged core the countdown resets and you can save the ship) and two make this repair gun not as pwerfull as the repair system that you can add in ships because like schema said your guns will never be as powerfull as real ships (unless the builder is using a droe pod or something).

    either way this could actually add a bit of emersion into the game because how could you ever pilot a vessel with an overheating core and how come you can simply get back into that broken and possibly flaming core and have it fix instantaniously and make the ship flyable again. this whould also make it so your precious large vessels actually have a bit of danger involved because lets face it even with the sheild nerf if you put the \"modular plating\" on the vessel it will make that nerf look as if nothing happened (call me what you want \"frigate hater\" or \"fighter enthusiast\") and this idea that it will kick you out of the core and make it so that you have to repair the core in order to operate the ship again not only makes the core a bit less of a target but it makes people think where to shoot. ifthe guy can simpy repair his ship core then shouldnt you target the guns or any other major component of the vessel (like the engines for instance?)