Shielding and some other thoughts

    Jul 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    What i has found with this game is that players, including myself, just build enormous ships. There is no real "strategy" in ship building, whilst i enjoy creating masterpieces imagining their purposes but they just aren't practical when fighting others, so I've thought up a couple of things which i believe is not too complicated to implement.

    My whole thought process is to create more complex designs so that everyone really has a chance to enjoy all types of game-play.

    Shields - There are only two things players need in this game for PVP play. Shields and Antimatter cannons. The bigger you are the better your outcome. I believe shields should not be able to recharge during battle. Give them a 3-5 second cool down after damage has been taken before recharging their shields.

    This means smaller ships have a swinging chance, this should encourage more tactical designs of your crafts. No longer will big cannons and shields dictate the game. Smaller ships can out manoeuvre the larger ships and do damage, this means players will have to build turrets to give them greater protection and of different uses.

    I also have a thought for a second type of shield. Bubble shield, This is a shield that creates a dome around the ship for protection, the pros and cons being this bubble is stronger then existing shields but smaller ships can fly through them and shoot basically meaning external weapons can not pass through the shield dome. The distance if the bubble can be adjusted by the player, the further he takes it out the stronger it gets. For example: 1 square = 1.2 shield rate - 5 squares - 2.0 shield rate at no higher energy cost.

    This should purpose players ships a bit more and with the shields being bigger also creates a bigger target.

    Missiles - I think that the way in which the damaged is Creator should change. rather then its original radius every block destroyed should weaken the blast radius. example a 10 blast circumference should originally start the damage at 10 wide but as it penetrates deeper do less and less. If the bl ast hits a solid mass the damage would be 10 wide and 5 deep.

    Another thought is missiles should be able to be shot down when incoming. Missiles do a lot of damage and for good cause but it would make it more fun if you could counter them with more then shields.

    AI - My thoughts above made me think of turrets and their AI's. If my thoughts were to be implemented, ships would have to do more then shoot giant cannons and carry big shields. Everything would have to be redesigned. more angles covered so turrets would be needed so I imagined there would need to be different types. Point defence to shoot at smaller nimbler targets, Flak to focus on incoming missiles and Cannons to shoot at the main target/large ships.

    Future development - Guns - Whilst this is a long shot I thought it would be fun if boarding parties existed. Players could have guns and shoot at each other. After breaking through shields or flying through them a small ship could blast a hole into the hull and fix itself on the ship allowing players to disembark and run through the potential corridors of ships shooting at each other to capture the enemy ships of sabotage them to win a battle.

    Sabotaging - Modules - I would like to see that connecting blocks of one type becomes a module and if it was to be damaged it would shut down and become unstable once again creating thought into how the ships would be created. Placing power cores, batteries shields and thrusters together on one lump and having them damaged to and extent will render them utterly useless so players might have to create lumps in different areas creating specifically designed parts of their ships It could make more intricate design and even if its not to prevent complete loss if damaged it would be nice to see the effort players put into their designs.

    Hope this wasn't too long xD