Shield Power Should Be Proportional To Surface Area

    Aug 12, 2013
    Reaction score
    Shield power would be more natural and interesting if it was proportional to a ship's surface area.

    One shield block should create a more effective shield on a 5x5x5 cube ship than on a 100x100x100 cube ship. Imagine it as having to create a skin of protection around the ship-- covering 150 squares (on the 5^3 cube) vs 60,000 squares (on the 100^3 cube).

    Shield Strength = Constant * (Shield Blocks) ^ Damper / Surface Area

    Damper should be tweaked to balance the N^2 increase of surface area that must be shielded with the N^3 increase of internal ship volume in which to place shields-- but larger ships should still be capable of slightly stronger shielding.

    Surface area could be calculated from the ship's bounding box, or could be more precisely calculated by counting blocks in the shadow the ship casts along each axis (the projection of the ship), which would let players make more interesting shapes without being penalized by the bounding box.


    Shield regeneration should require power, and maintenance should require a small amount of power. This probably would need some sort of control to throttle shield regen during a fight.

    Regen delay should be removed or made fractional (regen 20% rate while under fire), it makes it possible for the tiniest ship to destroy the largest if the tiny ship has rapid enough rate of fire.
    Aug 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I like the idea of distributing shields based on size of ship - beats the current method of \"hardcore down to poo\" the more you go etc.

    It can be measured and recorded in BUILD mode only. Basically the client or server does a calculation on total visible blocks on the ship upon leaving build mode / client disconnect or crash during build mode, and store that number.

    If that ship gets beaten to shit and now represents half its original size, too bad the shields will still think its for a big ship and act weaker than they should be until the next build mode exit.

    I think this is an acceptable trade-off for having shielding based on actual visible size of ship, rather than the current \"cheating\" of making shields good but less effective the more blocks you put on.