Shield changes

    Aug 9, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    I love the idea of shields, but currently, there is no real strategy with them besides having tons of them. I think shields should be proportionate to the mass of a ship. For an example ( discount any numbers, this is purely hypothetical), a ship with a with a mass of, say 16 blocks, the shield is condensed, it has a whole lot less of work to do and can focus more on protecting the small ship. However, double the amount of blocks, 32, the shield has double the work to do and is spread thin.

    Could use a little balancing, but the jist is there. As a secondary suggestion, a shield should be more protective for the blocks closer to them. They still protect everywhere on the ship, but the more protected areas are the places adjacent to the shield blocks. This will have players have to strategize the locations of their shield generators rather than have a million locked up in a room somewhere.

    Again, balancment would have to be tweaked, but this is just a suggestion, not a blueprint. Thoughts?


    Aug 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    I like the mass/sheild idea you have going, but I\'m not so sure about the more protected the closer, just due to the sheilds DO cover everywhere, equally, the feild spreads along the floor and goes across it all, so i don\'t see sense in it protecting one area more, I see sense in it getting to certain areas faster though, if that makes sense to you/your idea.