Server tweak suggestions?

    Jan 16, 2015
    Reaction score
    tl;dr version at bottom of post

    Just wondering if there are any up to date manuals or docs for this game, specifically about server config tweaks. Seems everything fan made tends to be out of date the main two Wikis about are pretty messy details wise.
    What I find on the StarMade site is descriptions of items and such and no real information on their use and mechanics. making much of the gameplay for newer players a game of guessing.

    At the moment what I am specifically looking for is information on server settings. All I read and hear is chinese whispers and guesses or unconfirmed experimentation.
    Web searches yeild little to no information or again the info is badly out of date and no longer relevant.

    For example I'd like to know if adjusting settings would see an increase in server performance. Sacrificing cosmetic immersion for maybe some server stability.
    An example would be this:

    ASTEROIDS_ENABLE_DYNAMIC_PHYSICS = true //enables asteroids to be able to move in space

    Now in many games disabling such physics would offer a performance increase. And while bouncy tumbling asteroids are nice and adds some realism, many could live with out them for the sake of stability I mean on my regular server I never crash into asteroids so get no benefit of having it enabled even visually. Problem is finding before hand if any performance and stability increases can be gained.

    I kind of cannot test this out either, in single player I have a massive framerate and notice no difference. Plus being the only player in the game it does not offer a realistic idea of the effects compared to say being on an online server with 20 players. And I do not have an online or public server to test these things out so really need some reference material and benchmarks etc.

    Reason for this is at some point I may want to run a server and I'd like to be able to run the game tweaked from the start than wasting days and weeks with trial and error, currently though it is to help the owner of my regular server. The server gets incredibly unstable sometimes vs other servers in our region and they all seem to be all set up differently and many have different player counts and such and trying to discuss such things with other server owners is almost impossible as it seems many gamers that own servers do not like sharing information that could benefit all including themselves for whatever reasons.

    So tl;dr: Need suggestions, guides, advice, documents, manuals etc. factual stuff not guesses and myths for tweaking a server to run better and more stable, to combat the massive lag spikes and crashes we are experiencing. What settings do what and if they have an impact positive or negative on performance.

    Thanks and appreciation in advance.