Server doesn't answer client traffic, TCP ACK working

    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    I'm getting "Server not responding" errors, especially shortly after a new player connects.

    Packetsniffing showed me ( that the server is indeed sending packets but it is only ACKing the client's messages and not really answering on an application layer level.

    The server at the same time outputs this messages:

    [SERVERPROCESSOR][WARNING} PING timeout warning. resending ping to RegisteredClient: amki (6) connected: true Retries left: 11; socket connected: true; socket closed: false; inputShutdown: false; outputShutdown: false
    [SERVERPROCESSOR][WARNING} PING has been resent to RegisteredClient: amki (6) connected: true
    [SERVER][SEGMENTBUFFER] EDGE UPDATE: RESTRUCTION OF AABB REQUIRED SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_1371916145252(27)]: (-9.0, -29.0, 39.0), (8.0, -26.0, 56.0) ---- (-9.0, -29.0, -9.0), (77.0, -8.0, 77.0)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 10; waiting for pong true (1372356996761/1372357005761)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 10; waiting for pong true (1372356997761/1372357005761)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 10; waiting for pong true (1372356998762/1372357005761)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 10; waiting for pong true (1372356999762/1372357005761)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 10; waiting for pong true (1372357000763/1372357005761)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 10; waiting for pong true (1372357001763/1372357005761)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 10; waiting for pong true (1372357002764/1372357005761)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 10; waiting for pong true (1372357003764/1372357005761)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 10; waiting for pong true (1372357004765/1372357005761)
    [SERVERPROCESSOR][WARNING} PING timeout warning. resending ping to RegisteredClient: amki (6) connected: true Retries left: 10; socket connected: true; socket closed: false; inputShutdown: false; outputShutdown: false
    [SERVERPROCESSOR][WARNING} PING has been resent to RegisteredClient: amki (6) connected: true
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 9; waiting for pong true (1372357006766/1372357015766)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 9; waiting for pong true (1372357007767/1372357015766)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 9; waiting for pong true (1372357008767/1372357015766)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 9; waiting for pong true (1372357009768/1372357015766)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 9; waiting for pong true (1372357010768/1372357015766)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 9; waiting for pong true (1372357011769/1372357015766)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 9; waiting for pong true (1372357012769/1372357015766)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 9; waiting for pong true (1372357013770/1372357015766)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 9; waiting for pong true (1372357014770/1372357015766)
    [SERVERPROCESSOR][WARNING} PING timeout warning. resending ping to RegisteredClient: amki (6) connected: true Retries left: 9; socket connected: true; socket closed: false; inputShutdown: false; outputShutdown: false
    [SERVERPROCESSOR][WARNING} PING has been resent to RegisteredClient: amki (6) connected: true
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 8; waiting for pong true (1372357016772/1372357025772)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 8; waiting for pong true (1372357017772/1372357025772)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 8; waiting for pong true (1372357018773/1372357025772)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 8; waiting for pong true (1372357019773/1372357025772)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 8; waiting for pong true (1372357020774/1372357025772)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 8; waiting for pong true (1372357021774/1372357025772)
    [SERVER] snapped player controlled object Ship[Galactica2](214) from (-126.18383, 349.40106, -8.295493) to (-133.75029, 362.05984, -5.225802); ATTACHED: false
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 8; waiting for pong true (1372357022775/1372357025772)
    RETRY STATUS: Retries: 8; waiting for pong true (1372357023775/1372357025772)

    I have no idea why the server would ACK the client's packets (and thus receive them) but also wait for a "pong" from the client?

    An explanation would be that the server's kernel is receiving the packets from the client but the server is never fetching data since it is stuck waiting for whatever. How could this happen?