Server Admin + Map Suggestions

    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    My friends and I have been playing Starmade for two days now and we love it, I have been hosting the server and I think a few more additions to it would help a lot.

    • A console log to see user chat and if they use commands (doesn't necessarily have to be logged to a file)
    • Ability to click on a user (in the Server Manager window) and see what sector they are in, if they are in a ship or not and what ship they are in.

    These next suggestions are a mix of admin and gameplay.

    • A 3D map of the sectors, with the ability to mover around (in 3D), be able to click on an object and see what sector its in.
    • If you are an admin you can see where all players are.
    • Admin map control: Enable everyone to see everyone on the map or not.
    • Facton map, only see members of your faction on the map.
    May 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    press K to open a galactic map, shows your \"solar system\" your are in, if nothing appears, press shift and hold it and scroll mouse wheel until it appears, sometimes it takes awhile... but theres no way to tell what sector its in, so best be a good navigator!