Sensitivity settings

    Jan 6, 2015
    Reaction score
    Hello all.

    New to the game so if I missed a setting in the configs forgive me.

    First rotating your ship using the keyboard z&x your ship rotates so fast it makes very hard to get your ship level.

    Also using a T16000m joystick the sensitivity setting do not seem to be working and I have looked in the game joystick config files and nothing I change in there works.

    Anyone know how to fix the sensitivity problems?
    Thank you for any help you can give me.
    Aug 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    Try holding control and moving the mouse left/right to roll. It's more precise.

    Sensitivity? Could try enlisting in the army, they could turn the most sissified sjw into a REAL MAN! Even if they used to be a woman! Back in my day, a good run in the tail gun of a Lancaster sorted 'em right out!

    ...Sorry, couldn't resist. I don't think any 'special' mouse functions are put in the game, every mouse equal and all, so I don't think they can. This seems obvious but just to check: you did check the options first right? It's a bit of a mess, mouse stuff is in the bottom part. Unless you mean no matter what the setting, there's no difference?
    Jan 6, 2015
    Reaction score
    Thank you very much I can now land without crashing first lol.

    I can live with using the mouse now so I will wait for better joystick support later.

    Thanks again.