The nav menu and HUD have a range of 2 sectors. the sector you are in, and the bordering ones. If the entity passed the sector boundry to the next one, meaning there was a whole sector between you, the entity would have been unloaded from memory and saved, and it wouldn't have moved until you entered that 2 sector range again.
Before its said, this isn't a Java thing. Sectors are both a way to divide the universe up so they can be saved and loaded in chunks, and solve the floating point inaccuracies we would otherwise have.
And in the process we lose lock-ons and ability to fight effectively, and have an easily exploited combat mechanic.
I am talking about I and another player are in the same sector fighting, I have the upper hand, he crosses the sector edge, his ship glitches about teleporting all over the place for a second or two, I lose my missile lock, and he runs away as the game spazzes out. Or he as I and others have experienced uses it to instantly recharge shields. Seen people just back and forth back and forth across sectors doing this making combat useless and unwinnable essentially giving players godmode and screwing legit players.
Solves the inaccuracies problems? How is adding inaccuracies while removing inaccuracies solving problems? (Rob Peter to pay Paul logic?) I've not played any other space sim that comes to mind where a visible target may as well be in another universe. Where reaching a new sector often feels like you've hit a speed bump. Just worsens the more players that are on the server, especially when they have high pings.
It's not just me, it's not just any one server.
Regardless of the logic or reasoning behind it, if it is bugging out and crippling one of the biggest mechanics in the game, ship to ship combat, it's not working. If you can see it you should be able to lock on or shoot it. It should not pause jump drive charging, it should not reduce speed, it should not be making people appear to teleport about.
I know other games only load things as they are needed, have a generally good grasp of how games,computers and software works, no use loading items no body can see. But they do so smoothly and without noticeable transition. They attempt to make it seemless.
Take Grand Theft Auto. I am driving down a street shooting another car, on a not so beefy computer, the other car crosses a new area and I am about to enter it. The background scenery reduces in detail, pops in, but me shooting that car stays the same. The game makes the adjustments in the right area.
The way it works in StarMade feels like as we cross the new area the other car teleports around my bullets hit anywhere but the car. And while it appears in front of me going through an intersection it has actually turned left down a side street leaving me with no idea where it actually is and the background stays hi-res and beautiful the whole time.
The game is designed around the game play working, without the game play working properly the mechanics of the game are moot. Dunno about anyone else but I buy and play games to play games, I do not buy them to drool over the code in them.
Let me think of a real world example here...... you own a car. To make your aircon work you rewire the cars entire electrical system to it, now the engine doesn't work properly, it coughs and splutters and sometimes you can get to 60kmph, other times 5kmph, but hey it's okay because the aircon is blowing nice cold air........ and people who like the brand of car you own say 'hey it's not the cars fault, after all other cars have problems too.' Despite the fact you neither own or drive those cars..........
It may not be an exclusively java thing, but when it comes to Java it's a more noticeable and poorly done thing.
When you play a lot of games using various 'engines' (yeah, yeah I know SM fanboys hate that word) and notice that games made with particular engines all operate the same. e.g grid sectors and stutter of java games, you kind of see the pattern and realise it is indeed a Java thing.
If not then why only in Java games do I see it time and again? Unreal games handle loading new sectors and game play crossover of them fine, Unity does, iDtech does, Source does, even half baked ones like GameGuru does and I could go on. (okay GameGuru does come close to Java in this matter, but even that's not as bad but hey the devs decided dark pro basic is crap and made the smart decision to convert to C++ and directx11. :D)
So if is not java then what? Is it just some sort of weird mystical thing that Java just happens to be a magnet for every bad programmer on the planet?
Not that I am saying Schine or Jagex or any other developer is bad at programming. But if it's not Java then that is all I can think it must be. :p
Oh I know, sectors crippling game-play mechanics because reasons is by design. In some new age hipter edgy fashion I am yet not privvy to.
Can you people so quick to defend Java all the time not see the problem with game play halting across sectors in a real time game or am I just freaking completely crazy here for thinking it's important that there are no walls in this kind of game? That I should be able to fire a missile at someone I can see and that missile actually hits them?
Before it's said, I know the what the answer is. What it always ends up being for every game these days. Early Access Alpha Game is Early Access Alpha Game.
Which I should no by now should clears everything up and is the solution to all.
Man there is an answer for everything these days it seems. Except that simple one that is taboo "It happens because shit's broken and needs fixing." But let that one be our little secret hey.
Now excuse me I need to go ponder on why in 300+ games in my steam library, including games like the 'X' series and other huge space sims/arcadey games it's the only one that is using Java that does this shit.
I think Valves behind it and just trying to mess with my head personally. Because as I am now educated. I know it is everything but Java to fault. And you know it's true because Schema said so.

SuperWookie sorry mate,seems people would rather talk about java than your posts topics.