sector numbers next to hud sector arrows & build mod addition

    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    sometimes when i am in a sector and would like to go to another one, i pan around a lot to find which of the arrows points to the sector i want to go to,

    all of these arrows are docked to the edges of the hud until the designator comes into view.

    it would be nice having the sector number next to each of these arrow cues on the sides of he hud,

    or at least have an option to toggle them on and off,

    it will save a lot of effort panning around to find the right sector among those designated with the arrows.


    the second suggestion would be to have a ghost block showing the currently selected block and its orientation when in build mod, we can change orientation using the arrow keys while looking at the ghost block changing in real time and get the facing to match what we need,

    its a bit faster and more intuitive than doing it based on a small representation of the block on the advanced build mode window.
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    These are brilliant ideas! Both of those drive me nuts especially the panning around trying to find the right sector :L