Bug rotator bug and C/V connection glitch

    Jan 25, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Councillor 2 Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I think it is already known but I report it anyways.

    rotator bug:
    with rails, when something is in the way, is just tops moving, logicly duh.
    but with rotators it is totaly different, when the rotator wants to make a 9o degrees rotation, and at 45 there is something in the way, it wont, like with rails, stop. but it will reset and start again from starting point.
    this goes on untill it either glitched it's way through or untill the thing that is blocking the rotator is out of the way, can this please be fixed so that rotators work less glitchy and so that you can find what is blocking the rotator if you don't imidiatly see.

    C/V connection glitch:
    bench already knows about this, but i wasn't able to create a glitch ticket (cant get activation mail)
    in a server, multiplay, shatered skies to be exact, there was a glitch.
    the server's admins say it happend before to an other station but let me explain:
    our faction has a station, full of docked ships, logic and factories.
    now a glitch happend and everything that was near that station (maybe sector maybe system)
    but really everything that uses C and V to configurate, was disconnected.
    that means:
    logic blocks
    support weapons
    and problably more if i forgot some.

    all that was connected, on station and ships either docked or undocked.
    this was very frustating ofcourse. we luckely fixed our loss by now.
    i hope i gave enough information to help you guys fix it