rotating mining ship

    Mar 21, 2015
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    ok so lets see if I can explain this very well what im looking for so im looking to make a rotating mining ship with arms the open and close so I cant find the ship that I downloaded that was like this called the spin miner it has logic that opens the salvage arrays they come off to the side and then starts rotating and firing the salvage beams but it had a few issues and im trying to design my own ive got my new ships arms moving and its rotating but the hurdle im coming to now is item transfer there seems to be no way to do it I tried to have a second dock that it engages to when it goes into the open position but it apparently doesn't allow you to have more then one dock point at a time I know its possible to switch between docks say arms open it switchs to the rail unload and then when I hit the button again it switchs back to the rail rotator and goes back into flight mode as I like to put it and packs up the salvage array this is a good example but its design is outdated I assume when it was made you could transfer items from storage blocks well if any one can give me some advice that would be much appreiated