Restricted but mirrored option

    May 30, 2015
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    This has probably come up in the past but I've done searches and haven't found it...

    I would love the ability to use a build helper (torus, ellipse, circle) in restricted mode but still have it mirror to the planes I have set.

    Maybe this is already something that is possible... but lord knows my searches haven't given me the answer yet!

    Basically, I tend to use a lot of the helper shapes to speed things along and sometimes stuff like the ellipse tool helps to make things like turret pits (at least for me) and restricted mode is -by far - the easiest way to fill in the shape. But it doesn't mirror to my x/y/z planes in that mode (obviously intended).

    If I'm just being dense, let me know. Otherwise, I think it could be helpful.
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