Planned Respawn on ship

    Jul 20, 2013
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    I used to play SoH and in that game you could have a captains bunk and set that as a spawn point.

    A problem I see at the moment and I'm sure most players have experienced it at some point is leaving a ship say in a shuttle landing on a planet and dying. Respawn hundreds of km away back at your base and so leaving your undamaged ship behind.

    From RP point of view it makes face to face meeting or leaving your pride and joy in orbit to go meet a massive gamble.

    So to sum up my suggestion is a specific block that can be placed on ships that allows you to respawn in that ship only.

    If taking out another ship you would have to use the "marker" on this new block in that ship to make sure this is your new spawn point.

    With the current ability to respawn at your home base perhaps this would not be too hard to add ?

    What do you think?
    Feb 8, 2014
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    So this is basically asking for the 'undeathinator' to be placeable onboard ships as well as stations? If I recall correctly, there was originally some problem with spawning players in a moving vessel due to the fact that the location of the spawn point is constantly changing, as well as the movement of the ship leaving the newly spawned person behind.

    It might be possible now with the new player alignment to ship feature as well as the improved handling of moving objects within moving objects (aka rails). Many people have asked for this since the undeathinator was ingame, and I don't remember what the official response by the devs was, if there was one.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Its come up before, and the devs say this is indeed something that they have planned.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I believe this is planed as a capital ship system.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    Great news if they are thinking along these lines, although I think even the smallest ship that can house the "block" should be allowed.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    Then the player returns to his/her default non ship spawn, I.e planet or station or if your really unlucky and had forgot to set it, the newbie spawn.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Default server spawn location at a guess.

    A bit like destroying your bed in minecraft.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    Necroing this suggestion due to the current pace of development ,.
    I believe that this is still a valid suggestion and key to PvP over long distances and with the new HP / boarding update makes it more important.

    We can build big ships but now it is easier to lose them, as for the issue of the player owning the ship and constantly respawning then once another player takes the core then the original owner would lose the ownership of the ship spawn block.
    Mar 25, 2016
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    God I hate necroing, but I was wondering if there was any progress on this front.

    I have come to a point in my building, where I want to just become a nomad, build a giant capital ship, and then simply keep going into the infinite voids. Sadly, there is no way to respawn on my 'moving station' as I can figure out... making me still anchored back in 0,0,0 :(
    Jul 20, 2013
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    Well i'm still around, its been well over a year and I had a chat with some players last night about the merits of on ship player respawn.
    The freedom to explore the galaxy, pilot fighters, shuttles, land on planets / stations and interact roleplay wise.
    So sorry all but....

    BUMP !
    Jul 20, 2013
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    Now Ithirahad, we spoke about this.
    Release is "planned", we are in alpha still.
    It is the threads 1 1/2 year anniversary, I had "planned"
    a party, I forgot. Now I have remembered.
    Maybe the concept will be.

    Thanks for the additional bump. Ha


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    This actually works perfectly fine if you use a custom config to allow Undeathinators on ships. It's probably awaiting some sort of balance to be figured out, since it's probably going to be introduced with the rest of the capital ship systems.


    Part-time God
    May 26, 2015
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    This actually works perfectly fine if you use a custom config to allow Undeathinators on ships. It's probably awaiting some sort of balance to be figured out, since it's probably going to be introduced with the rest of the capital ship systems.
    That's actually really interesting. Perhaps a ship size limit is planned.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    This actually works perfectly fine if you use a custom config to allow Undeathinators on ships. It's probably awaiting some sort of balance to be figured out, since it's probably going to be introduced with the rest of the capital ship systems.
    Your kidding me?? If this does work then I know a lot of people that will be happy.


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    I had an idea for balancing on even non capitol ships. Why not allow respawns while there is still crew on board.
    Jan 31, 2015
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    From RP point of view it makes face to face meeting or leaving your pride and joy in orbit to go meet a massive gamble.
    Almost as much of a gamble as if you actually died?

    Yeah... but not even. I think it's fine as it is, honestly. If you allow yourself to be lured into a dangerous situation and DIE... then it's quite likely that someone (probably your killer) will claim your ship. Only fly what you can afford to lose. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Etcetera. My favorite MOBA of all time (SCII:Star Battle) had no respawn. It was Death = GG. Try harder next time. When you can't bounce back from certain mistakes, that's when it gets really fun.

    If you dispatch a starship to conduct a diplomatic or survey mission, and the captain botches it, you are likely to lose the mission and all of its assets. How fun is it though to even bother going anywhere if there's no chance that a mistake could result in catastrophe? What's the point? Without that, there's no risk. No danger. No fun.

    I get not wanting to lose ships... so we can already play in SP without pirates or on a very easy setting RP server. No need for a new block - just play on a nerf-coated server and you'll never die and thus never respawn far from your ship.

    Death, when it happens, should hurt. Badly.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    MacThule not sure you play the same game as me. But interesting point of view.
    This isn't about perma death or God forbid MOBA's so no GG quotes this isn't that kind of game.

    Some of these ships are meant to be gigantic in scale, with crew in hundreds or more of which you are one individual. Carriers launching fighters as an example, so no chance of piloting a bomber from three sectors away to the target then.
    Kirks beams to a planet, died in the planets core and the enterprise just sat there for eternity mourning his loss?

    Starmade operates in universes, with galaxy's not small PvP arenas, have you played on a MP server and not just Single player?

    What about nomadic factions? That's not a playstyle option ?
    Have you considered death by bug, lag when no admin is on? Your ships not in a fleet and you end up 2000km back at base good bye 8 months of work. Being a building game you should be encouraged to use that ship to explore and fight no?

    Respawning on a ship in crew quarters certainly doesn't mean that you will never lose your ship, it doesn't take long for an ambush, straight up fight, jump into the sun to kill a ship or fleet.

    Come try our RP server, be prepared to lose you ships, war is the RP theme of it.

    The suggestion.
    When they introduce this maybe you can turn it off.
    Jan 22, 2014
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    I think this is a classic case of the "Easy" answer being the "Wrong" answer.

    The "Easy" answer is we really don't need on ship spawning. We don't need it because pilots rarely leave their ships anyway so going too all the problem to reprogramming ships so they can become spawn points is a waste of development time. These few instances of meeting other players "face" to "face" is pointless unless your one of those silly Roleplayers. The simple version is. Its too much trouble and adds too little to the game at present.

    However this is the "Wrong" answer, because its true.

    Confused? Bare with me for just a little bit. Right this very second expanding the capabilities of ships to act as mobile spawn points is an example of too much investment for too little return. But tomorrow Starmade will not be the game it is today. In fact just the coming changes to NPC's is going to make it much more of a "game" that it is right now. When you start adding in flora and fauna that might be able to kill an astronaut, space whales, and mysterious space dragons, hidden tombs, and strange space phenomenon the odds of an astronaut getting killed outside their huge space cruiser becomes far more likely. At that point the need to spawn in deep space back on your safe mother ship becomes extremely important. It is also very likely we will need ship mounted shipyards about the same time for the exact same reasons.

    This is to say nothing of the idea of using true carriers to launch swarms of fighters and space bombers at distant targets and then to lead the attack aboard your personal command fighter. Only to respawn on the carrier when that last second point defense splashes you out of existence.

    Thus the right answer is we need to do it the "Hard" way. Spawning on ships will be a must in the future. The moment players "need" to leave the safety of their mining barges to pick "rare" items off a planets surface infested with player eating cannibals everyone is going to be screaming for ship spawning. Might as well get it out of the way and get the bugs worked out now before the pressure is on. Of course for hardcore purest a server options to disable ship spawning should be offered...