Repair ships, how they should function :)

    Jul 4, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I was flying around in a little frigate one day when I come accross a big fancy ship all alone. I quickly noticed that the person had no missles or guns near his rear thursters. So like any good lad on a pvp server I start to take out his engines. With them gone I could safely dismantle his ship piece by piece. I was lucky, this guy had little to no sheilds, and worked for a good few minutes until he was moving at a snails pace, going nowhere. I felt quite satisfied that my strategy actually worked, until engines started to appear on the back of his ship like magic. I was confused until I realized, oh, he's gone into build mode. Within twenty seconds all my hard work had been undone and he was back to normal.

    So I would like to make a suggestion to the game that would fix this immersion breaker in combat and give repair ships a new role. First, don't allow someone to build in this situation. This can be accomplished by either: a) only allowing them to build at a station aka shop or b) only being allowed to build two or five minutes after combat.

    Second, and this is the good part, for repair ships they will take over the role of fixing the ship. When a ship is done building it will save a blueprint for that ship (probably a terrible way to word that). When a ship comes up to that ship and starts to aim it's repair beam at the damaged part of the ship, which should be pretty easy to spot if theres a hole in its hull or the engines are in pieces, it will start to rebuild the ship and restore it to the saved blueprint. Now these blocks will come firstly from the stores inside the ship being repaired. It can come right out of its inventory or I like the idea of adding a new item storage block that players can specifically place blocks in to be used for repair. If there are no blocks to be used, ti will draw from the repairers personal stores he's allocated in his own block. A message will appear telling the user that the other ship has no blocks to eb used to repair, and the user can stop repairing if they wish. The speed of the repair will be simliar to how damage is calculated, more blocks = faster repairs with bonuses given when they are grouped appropriately.

    Also we could let ships repair themselves with a new block, either in combat (I don't like this because ships already have sheilds and together they could become too much) or out of combat. Say a ship manages to fight off its attackers but is pretty banged up. After a set amount of time, like thirty seconds or so to make sure they are out of combat, they can start repairing themselves, with priority given to subsystems like sheilds and engines over hulls. It would repair more quickly than incombat repairing, that way ships don't need to add a lot of blocks to their ship design, just a few if they want this functionality. But if one wants to create a repair ship, they'll have to add blocks similar to the way you add antimatter cannons or missiles to do damage.

    Let me know what you guys think!
    Jun 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I agree completely that one should not be able to build like that in the middle of a battle. Or at the very least, advanced build mode should be disabled and certain blocks (like engines) should be penalized somehow, or even disallowed.

    I dont like the idea of external repair ships, as they will be blasted out of space constantly. But I do really like the idea of some kind of repair chest that slowly fixes the ship. How about a damage control block? How about a damage control computer with damage control extenders, just like how a docking box works, but it repairs blocks to the original blueprint within that zone? You could put items in the central damage control box, or possibly in a plexstorage nearby to use for mats. Damage control could slowly but surely fix a ship one block each \"tick\" on a constant basis, even in combat. Overlapping zones could increase the repair rate.

    How about different grades of damage repair? MKI= 50s, MK2= 40s, MK3=30s MKIV=20s in terms of one block per tick. Grades higher than MK1 should be manufacturable only.