remote turrets and drone ships

    Jul 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    the idea is that you place a block in the mother ship which allows you to connect to the core of an attached turret or ship much like you can with the arrow keys but instead of jumping in it you merely control it from this remote module so you can have 2 guys in a ship one flies the ship and the other uses the remote block to control turrets and as one dies he can take control of another one or in the case of drone ships the drone is docked this is the only way to drone control the ship is it must be first attached to the ship and have and AI module then you can un-dock it and fly it but if you disconnect from the ship then you can not reestablish control of it as you need it to be docked to take control or perhaps you place a transmitter block with a code and you type the code into the remote block to take control of it allowing others to hack the drone or a jammer for drone ships

    I have other concepts such as weapons, radios for communication, power fixes if power in ship goes red the core gets hot and hurts the player in it, tractor beams, elecro war far weapons, ideas on core system computers so as to target engine or shield computers to disable the systems permanently, item touch read system if you have a block of the ship not touching with at least 1 block it is counted and dead but still is attached, ammunition, fuel, coolant, and so on if you like my consepts i can go into deapth with them let me now
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    There are already hundreds of suggestions like this, next time please check before you post.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Even if this has been suggested before this still needs to happen
    Jul 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    It does not NEED to happen, you WANT it to happen.