Remote Piloting Module

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    By pressing the 'up' arrow while in a ship core you can take control of another core. You can be in your ship, and if it gets destroyed you can get into an escape pod, for example, without getting out and physically going to your escape pod.

    Now, a twist on this would be a Remote Piloting Module. What this module does is it allows you to take control of any docked ship of a size of under, say, 50 mass. This ship can be controlled within a certain range of the module (say two sectors). The twist is that when the controlled ship is destroyed or goes out of range, the player isn't killed. Instead they are returned to the remote piloting module (since they were never actually in the core of the ship they were controlling).

    What use would this have? Well, the most obvious is that strike craft, fighters, bombers, whatever would actually become a seriously viable choice of ship. Why? because pilots can control fighters without fear of their puny craft being destroyed, only for them to respawn fifteen sectors away. Carriers and motherships and so on become an important part of an engagement because they are able to zerg small ships with only a couple of players filling the role of fighter pilot. Your fighter or bomber is destroyed and you effectively respawn on the carrier to pilot another fighter. The mass limit of the remotely controlled ship ensures that there isn't a constant supply of frigates and battlecruisers, only small ships.

    Of course a similar role could be fulfilled by Bobby AI, but the AI doesn't yet understand that a bomber should stay out of the firing arc of the all-encompassing death ship. It also allows players to fly a fighter without the frustration of getting destroyed and being taken out of the battle.

    Also, my apologies if a similar feature has been suggested in the past, as I didn't take the time to search the forums. It's late and I want to sleep/watch Breaking Bad.

    Anyway, thoughts?
    Jul 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    Well, to day the least, this would put favor in fleet tactics and strategic use of strike craft and carriers. That way, you could fight far or near to your home base. The idea of remote control allows you to avoid the Bobby AI (not the brightest bot in the fleet) and yet still use gunboats and strike craft.

    overall, I completely agree with your suggestion. An arms and skill race to create the best 50 mass (500 block) strike craft and to be the best pilot. A new variable in PvP would open up and scouting would be more relative and you would not waste precious pilots.

    need I say more? This is would (hopefully will) be a great feature for cautious and reserved players like me, and my scout does not go to waste as know I can attack with greater frequency. Add the AI command to follow, and boom, and effective strike force.
    Jul 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    +1. This would definitely make the usages of docked ships more viable, and enhance the effectiveness of carriers. As z1967 mentioned, an upgrade to AI would be perfect for strikeforces. Perhaps computer modules could be used to enhance AI?