Rails seem to be causing a problem on server

    May 27, 2015
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    we are getting a strange problem on our server which seems to be caused by rails, the server console message is

    07.07 09:55:17 [Server] INFO NOT FACING:::: (-43, 31, -542)[Rail Basic]o[[WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE 13][active][100hp][jf]
    07.07 09:55:17 [Server] INFO NOT FACING:::: (-43, 31, -464)[Rail Basic]o[[WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE 13][active][100hp][jf]
    07.07 09:55:17 [Server] INFO NOT FACING:::: (-43, 31, -622)[Rail Basic]o[[WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE 13][active][100hp][jf]
    07.07 09:55:17 [Server] INFO NOT FACING:::: (-43, 31, -702)[Rail Basic]o[[WARNING] UNKNOWN SIDE 13][active][100hp][jf]

    repeating over and over and it is causing crashes and disconnections. not sure what the problem is or what is causing it, I think it is something to do with the Helicarrier I am making but don't seem to be able to find the problem. any info on the above error or how to find it using those Numbers would be appreciated :)
    Jul 21, 2013
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    The rail appears to be rotated into an impossible position:
    May 27, 2015
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    I think I may have found the problem, I have an automated docking system using rails and logic, to bring an entity along the rails and into the first clear docking area automatically with no user interaction.

    to get the ship/entity to stop in the bay and be ready for deployment I made it so the rail infront of it would automatically turn upside down so the entity could not carry on along the rail and would come to a halt. Suddenly over the last few days this seems to be creating errors that it didn't before, obviously the entity is looking for a face of the next rail to move onto but cant because it is turned (intentionally), this is now causing an error. and the server is struggling to cope with the problems of 4 or 5 of these, the more I land the worse it will get. Looks like my docking system wont be in use for a while now. :(


    CEO Snataris Colonial Fleetyards
    Sep 10, 2013
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    I use a rail block turned 90° to "stop" rail movement for an elevator. Have you tried this (instead of completely flipping the thing upside-down)?

    >>>>>>^>>>> (entity stops at ^)

    Because that way, the entity WOULD be docked to a "rail face" - even though the direction of the rail doesn't allow further travel. Does that also cause the message or not?

    Simplest way to fix it would be to NOT spam the console with that specific warning, schine. We like the current functionality :p
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    May 27, 2015
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    I use a rail block turned 90° to "stop" rail movement for an elevator. Have you tried this (instead of completely flipping the thing upside-down)?

    >>>>>>^>>>> (entity stops at ^)

    Because that way, the entity WOULD be docked to a "rail face" - even though the direction of the rail doesn't allow further travel. Does that also cause the message or not?
    Thank You Thalanor, that has stopped the spamming on the server, I didn't realise I could do that, thought it would turn the entity 90 degrees as well but it doesn't :)


    CEO Snataris Colonial Fleetyards
    Sep 10, 2013
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    The rotation of an entity docked to rails only changes in these two situations (and no others):
    - Initial docking, where the arrow on the docking module will align with the current direction of the rail block targeted
    - With rail rotators.

    I am glad the 90° way can work flawlessly, because alot of my work depends on it too :)