

    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Railguns : Powerful Piercing Weapons

    Has this already been suggested? Probably. Do I care? No.

    Railguns, IRL, are weapons that fire a metal rod at mach 6 by propelling it down a long barrel with dual magnetized rails.

    Railguns would work in-game by firing a projectile similar to the AMC bolt, but longer. Railguns would be more effective in single block horizontal lines, the longer the more powerful. Railguns would be able to pierce through multiple layers of hull, unlike AMCs. When a railgun projectile hits a block, it does damage to the block, and if it breaks but could still deal more damage than what it did to the block, it continues to fly.

    Example: I fire a railgun at an asteroid. The railgun bolt will deal 250 damage. It hits the first block, dealing 100 damage needed to break rock, and continues flying, dealing another 100 to the next block, breaking it, and then dealing 50 damage to a third block.

    Railguns would also have a stat in the weapons menu, similar to explosion radius, that let you toggle how much of a block's armor rating you could ignore, probably with a cap at 75% of a block's armor rating. Railguns could also possibly have small amounts of shield penetration, but I am unsure about this. I'll leave it up to you guys, if you think it would be balanced or not, but most importantly schema on issues like that. They would be controlled by a Railgun CPU.

    The reload system on railguns would be much different from AMCs and Missiles. When firing, the green parts over the weapon icon will slowly fill in, and lower while not firing. This is the Railgun overheating, as firing railguns produces massive amounts of heat. As a way of counteracting the overheating effect, a block of ice or crystal ice (with crystal ice being doubly effective) touching a side of railgun will slightly decrease the amount of heat generated with each shot. If the heat level on the railgun reaches the max, you can continue to fire it, but once you release the fire button, you will not be able to fire the weapon again until the weapon is completely cooled down. The problem with firing while overheating is that for every second you continue to fire, 10 damage is dealt to the blocks comprising the gun and any block touching them. This means the railgun can break itself and cease to function if you are careless about it. The rate of fire for railguns would at base levels be about 50-75% of an AMC with the same number of blocks in it.

    Now, I bet at least one of you is going to complain about these being insanely overpowered when placed into shotgun arrays, but don't worry, I have a solution. When a second railgun set is attached to a computer, power consumption increases by 10%. When you add a third, power consumption is 20% greater, plus the 10% from earlier, making it 30% more power draining. A fourth is another 30%, bringing it up to 60% more power. The huge amounts of power needed to fire anything larger than a few will make people avoid shotguns with this weapon, and focus more on one single, powerful shot.

    So, there is my take on railguns. If anyone would like to add and comments or constructive critism, go ahead. If you complain about it being a wall of text, all I have to say is that you probably lack the mental capacity to read any suggestion longer than a paragraph. I've divided it up to be less wall of text-y, but if you really still have a problem with it, just leave.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Has this already been suggested? Probably. Do I care? No.

    -1, what makes you think people will care about your suggestion if you don\'t even care enough to submit it where it goes?


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I checked out the first 4 pages of suggestions, and none of them were about railguns.
    Sep 26, 2013
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    People have made railguns in Starmade, but they are very difficulty to produce. It is simply a ton of pulsators shooting a smaller ship covered in explosives at rediculous speeds. They aren\'t actually used to battles alot, much like today. And, if the round is of by the slightest, Everything blows up in your face.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    I\'ve been hearing about railguns nonstop. Lots of suggestions are inaptly titled, but search function still finds them. And there can be a page of suggestions per day.
    Aug 19, 2013
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    Pulsator railguns are shit. Terribly terribly shit. Never even try to make them.

    People have suggested railguns so many times that at this rate, Schema will NEVER implement them because he\'s so sick of hearing about them.

    Please everyone, stop.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    A railgun might as well be a peashooter against a shield that can block an ANTIMATTER weapon.

    Just make missiles better.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    They obviously aren\'t really shooting ANTIMATTER. They\'re lasers or something. AMCs really need a name change.

    And I agree, missiles do need a buff.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    Assuming the size of the antimatter \"bolt\" is about....0.25m cubed, it should vaporise even a 800m long ship in one shot.

    One teaspoon of antimatter is virtually a hydrogen bomb...