Racially Diverse Avatars

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    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    No... Dave was designed specifically to be a blank slate. His space suit lacks detail and colour. The idea is that we add to it or build our own. In order to represent that the player model is human, they made Dave a black woman because making Dave a white man would incur the wrath of Tumblr.
    Let me repeat myself. Dave is not a blank canvas. His SUIT is a blank canvas, but Dave himself is not. If Dave was a blank canvas, he would have an aracial look, as I showed earlier, which you completely ignored, apparently.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    I was wrong: I feel like a lot of people here are, at the least, mildly politically incorrect. I agree, saying that Dave is a default human being is pretty wrong. Actually, the default human being would be African, because if anthropology is correct those were the first humans, not Caucasians. Therefore, Africans are the so called "Default" humans.

    Believe it or not, there are probably more races than one that play Star Made. Having more default avatars that people of those race can play would help make the game more relatable to them, so it's also a business aspect. To those who don't want to choose a default race, can choose green or orange.

    There is more wrong with having a single white, Caucasian male (The richest group in the world) as the default avatar than having multiple avatars of all people of different color. That's the view from a social aspect.

    However, Star Made is a game, where social issues should never be represented. This is true. However, if someone wanted to play as a character that Dave did not look like, he would be able to pick another default skin without painting his own. My character on Ragnorak is olive-skinned. Someone may want to play as a player who changed his skin tone to green. Someone may want to play as a character that is African. We should cater to these people and allow them to easily change their avatars.

    An even better idea is a having a character modification screen, which you can access through a genetic cloning bay/Super Barbership or the first time you log onto a server/single player.
    May 11, 2014
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    I think there should be a place before you start the game or even in game where you can change your appearance at anytime. If i want to be green to today I can do that and be orange the next day.
    Jun 19, 2014
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    I think there should be a place before you start the game or even in game where you can change your appearance at anytime. If i want to be green to today I can do that and be orange the next day.
    In the second launch window, the one with the options for graphics, you'll see a tab called 'modding'. Click on it and you'll see options to change your skin.


    Social Media Director
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    I don't think anyone should care as much as this thread does. We have options available to alleviate this issue. Thanks for bringing it up. The devs have certainly heard about it. If they feel it is important then they will make time to sort it out.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Let me repeat myself. Dave is not a blank canvas. His SUIT is a blank canvas, but Dave himself is not. If Dave was a blank canvas, he would have an aracial look, as I showed earlier, which you completely ignored, apparently.
    I'm aware of that. I ignored it because you ignored my point of "why does it matter?". I don't mind playing a black character. I don't mind playing a woman. I don't care what my character is. I don't feel somehow detached from a game just because my avatar doesn't reflect something as petty as race or gender - especially when it's so easy to customise it.

    The devs wanted to portray a blank human. They chose a white male. They could just have easily chosen a white female, or a black male, or whatever. They could have gone with a genderless, raceless husk but they wanted to inject at least some form of personality into the basic character so they chose a plain-looking man thinking "if people don't like it, they can change it". I got bored of Dave, so I changed it. If i wanted to I could have downloaded a skin with zero cost or effort.

    But, again, I'm not opposed to more default skins. I just don't see the point when people are encouraged to customise it themselves.
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