
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    The Human empior, the great adaptors which spread through the stars. They have the gunmetal industreal look to the equipment which reprsesnts the no noses vews of just being the latest race to the stars. They are equaly good at using all the equipment and are decent in hand fighting.

    The inqisators of the univers are the most capable of the races in discovering the mysterys of it as well as developing the most efficcent ways in utalising it. Although through their creatins they can be said to have strangth in the univers how ever when it comes to battle they barly have insight to utalise what they have created in battle.

    The hive race rulled by individual leaders however those leaders always have many hands by which to create and fight. There individual underlings fallow their leader withough the need for thought they act as its hands and feet. In battle their shear numbers over whelm their enamys and force them to samit before taring their ships apart. Their viral spread is a wave that distoyes and infects all that they pass. They have the ability to take control of the ships they have concerd however the race in themselfs are not that smart.

    The great enganers, they are one of the oldist that have reached the stars and have alrady unlocked many of the unavers secrats. They eat planets whole in order to try to sate their abatie for mateals which is endless for their is much still to build. There expreance makes them strong however there goals are to create not distroy.

    The Atomatons robotc race that was left behind from a dieing race that have come to love nature and protect it. They have created massive ships and starions on which they live in order to stop damaging the planet they care for but now they are atuned to technology from any spices and utalising ... (Need to think this on through better but I like the idea)

    Maby a race of rock and energys but need to think more about what advantages they would have.

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