Quick tempory warp idea until a more permenant solution


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    one of the most discussed concept that people request here is near-instantanious travel. Perhaps, to keep the people happy, a tempory solution should be implemented, and here is my idea.

    There is already the ability to "warp", but only admins can access it at the moment, as it is a command. Perhaps we should have a block that can be assigned to a key in the hotbar, and when it is acivated, it warps you to the sector you have set as a waypoint in the navigation menu. The ships power supply and shields will be reset to 0 after the teleport, the stun affect from pulsators is applied to the ship and the block needs to wait 5 minutes before the next teleport. There should be a limit to how far the sector can be away, perhaps 100KM. This block should be deleted in blueprints, and should cost the maximum amount of credits the player can hold, as it is extremly OP in this form. The teleport simply will not happen if the sector is a known planet sector, or it is protected

    Once a better system is designed and ready, this can be removed from the game.

    I know that everyone round here gets annoyed with the constant suggestions for this, but this is my idea to reduce the requests.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Who in their right mind would hit max credits and then blow it on a one use jump drive? Notwithstanding the fact that you could get back to max credits in a few minutes if you really wanted to (ahoy money exploits). (Probably someone will now chime in to say they\'d stockpile them as a form of currency. :V)

    (Besides, you\'d almost certainly be able to smash some cubatoms together and fabricate it for 30 credits or less, and then if you had made the unfortunate decision to actually set it to cost max credits in stores, clever people would be doing that and then selling it to shops to obtain max credits without even having to leave the starting shop.)


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    It isnt 1 use. It is mulitple use, just with a 5 minute cool down. I never mentioned single use. And i have never played with cubatom before, so I dont know what it can do. This is not a DO THIS NOAW. It is a suggestion for a stop gap, and somewhere to decide what a good tempory solution could be
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Ah, so you just want it to be omitted from blueprints that are being saved. I apologize, I misread and thought you meant it should be deleted from ships it was in when they jumped.

    Also, it IS possible to make it impossible to fabricate with cubatoms - you can\'t fabricate L5 ores, after all. So that would resolve this concern, as well.

    But if it is possible to make with cubatoms, and it\'s expensive to buy (and this also applies when raising the price of any existing item which is fabricatable with them), it can be used as a money source (or simply to get the item, making the high price useless for restricting access to the item). Or if you had enough to make a recipe, you could manufacture them, but acquiring the recipe would be kind of absurd unless it was a random lucky drop.

    To show how cheap it is to make things with cubatoms without revealing actual cubatom recipes, here are the things I\'ve deduced ways to make with cubatoms:

    (where terrain are the 1 credit terrain, L1 ore is something like 10-15 credits, and plants are similar, IIRC):
    Faction module: For 2 terrain (uses 3 components, but uses both components from one terrain, making it actually somewhat efficient)
    Black hardened hull: For 2 terrain
    Power tank: For 2 terrain
    Dis-Integrater: For 2 terrain + 1 L1 ore
    AMC: For 2 plants
    Pulsator: 1 L1 ore, 1 terrain, 1 plant
    Thruster: 2 plants
    Power: 1 plant, 1 terrain
    Shield Disperser: 2 terrain, 1 plant
    Docking Enhancer: 2 terrain

    I was using only that set of objects for splitting to cubatoms (1 credit terrain, ~14 credit plants, L1 ores), and these are the only objects I have spent time determining cubatom splitting/refining recipes for so far. I figured out the faction module almost instantly (it was absurdly simple), the rest took a varying amount of time from \'seconds\' to \'an hour or more\' depending on how tricky they were - adding plants and then ore to my list of legal blocks to split made it considerably easier (I started with just the terrains). This doesn\'t include time spent wrapping my head around how cubatoms worked, and converting the cubatom symbols to numbers so they made mathematical sense.

    Based on that experience, I would expect it to be likely that most things would be craftable with 4 or less components with a cost of less than 15*4 credits, and none of those systems required 4 components. More required 2 components than required 3.

    (And I just deduced a recipe for the docking enhancer now in about a minute.)

    As for the idea itself, beyond those concerns, I don\'t want to start debating which proposed system is better because I don\'t know and so shouldn\'t be claiming that one is superior.