Power problem

    Aug 13, 2014
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    I created my first mini ship with a bunch of salvage canons and it works great. However, after salvaging a bunch of stuff and then selling the junk and buying a lot of building materials, I began building a much larger test ship.

    This ship was designed around 3 'torpedo' tubes.. aka missiles that I thought I would test the new weapon systems with. I set up one long string of 50 missiles, then another of 50 pulse effect mods (supposedly giving lock on capability), and then a set of 50 of something else with an effect. I linked them all together and jumped in the cockpit.

    After opening my weapon display, it shows the correct weapon with the (50,50,50) and the 3 correct boxes on the far left showing that it is indeed a missile weapon with the 2 effect items. However, I aim at an asteroid but do not get the target lock effect. The target reticule does turn green, but if I try and shoot a missile it says I have no power. I can fly the ship around however, so I know that the power is working but now I am confused as to what I missed.
    Sep 3, 2013
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    Adding a laser "slave" to the missiles works too.
    And pulse does more damage but less reload, meaning it does same DPS but consumes more power per shot.
    And you have to activate the asteroid filter to lock-on them
    Jul 21, 2013
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    Yea I would not use Pulse for missles for anything not very very large scale as it is a power hog and doesn't get much better of a explosive radius (Just hits harder) over other more effective slaves. With that said I believe your problem with "No Power" is related to the fact you don't have enough or maybe any power capacitors on your ship. Say your ship has a max power cap of 1000 (Not regeneration but max amount stored) and while most of your systems are able to function using less and regen keeping it all working, your missiles being so large require 2000 power to fire, double your current capacity and therefore unable to fire. try more power caps and see if your problem is resolved.


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    I don't believe that you can lock on to asteroids if they aren't shown in your Nav tab. To show them go Navigation Tab > Filters > Asteroids and try it. Also, the others are correct, adding pulse as a secondary effect makes the primary weapon hit harder, but slower and with a lot more power. If you just want locking and double range, add beams as a secondary to the missiles.
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    Aug 13, 2014
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    OK, looks like I had the wrong line. That actually makes the problem worse. Since I was using the Pulse instead of the laser (which is what I apparently need for lock on) it should just make the missiles a type of larger and slower dumb fire missile (meaning you should not need to get a lock before being able to fire). Iff that is the case, why did they not fire using either left or right click? Both give the 'No Power' error message?

    Is there a place to look at how much power is needed to fire a specific weapon system? I have a 5x5 section for power in my ship where I did the cross sections to get as much power as I could. Then I filled in the gaps with the power capacitors (or whatever they are called).

    Also.. after looking around, it seems like a lot of people are having issues with missiles not working right. I just cannot figure out how to see the power requirements of a particular weapon system.


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Go to the Structure tab, or the Weapons menu.

    1) Looking in the Structure tab, go down to "Dumbfire Missile Array" and open that up. It should list Power Consumption.
    2) Looking in Weapons menu, click on the array and the same text that opens with the Structure tab. Power Consumption is in a similar place.

    Missile + pulse arrays get lock on as their special effect (along with missile + beam) and dumbfire, which all missiles get. You're simply running out of power quite quickly. An array 50 meters long of pulse will take a bit of power, so I would suggest dropping the pulse module and switching to beam as your secondary effect, or put a lot more storage and regen on your ship.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    yea if your core is that small and the only power caps you have are placed in that core's gap than it's deffinately a max power problem, Power cores (The regen ones) work best in lines, but power caps work best in blocks, the more power caps touching a single one the more storage it gains, placing them in lines gives them a fairly weak bonus. And having a 50 block missile/pulse will require 450,000 power per shot and deal 45,000 damage, also missile/pulse has insanely slow refire rate, it has a one and a half minute reload time, where as missile/cannon has a reload of 2.5 seconds and all other missile combos are 15 second reloads. (I spent like 8 hours one day testing and recording all the current weapon systems, I should probably put all of the data on the wiki or something). But point being, while pulse will do some gnarly damage, it's trade offs kill it for 90% of situations.