Possible Turret Bug

    Jul 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    So I have been playing around with making turrets and I have several of them on what I call my Flagship (bascially a big ship). Well before I went into battle I saved my ship and then purchased a clone of it so I could just shoot it and blow it up. When I hit the main ship with a missile it knocked the turret off and it just floated aways out into space. tried to destory that turret and after the shields go down none of the blocks on it take any damage. It shows the guns hitting it doign damage but its basically invincible.
    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    i had this bug too a few times.

    Those floating turrets are not \"real\"
    The actual turrets are still attached to the ship.

    just follow the ship and get close. sooner or later the turrets will eventually re-appear where they should be.