PLEASE add better admin commands, for when things go bad.

    Feb 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Two people on my server built two very large ships, and then they decided to ram them into each other and glitch the fuck out. At this scale, apparently the whole "lets jiggle around a lot until we break free from each other" thing doesn't help \o/

    Anyway, they yelled at me to fix it and so I was going to get into one of the ships and then teleport it away, so that none of the ships had to be destroyed. Except my framerate was at 1fps, and right now starmades mouse sensitivity on linux is framerate dependant, so I had to sweep my mouse across the width of my desk over and over to turn. That, along with the fact that the ships were moving around a LOT because of the jiggling, made it impossible to get into one of them in order to teleport it.

    TL;DR: Please add a command that lets you teleport a ship, without having to be inside the ship. Also helpful would be a command to delete a ship without selecting it. Maybe also a command that teleports ships away from potention collisions.
