Player Balancing the Economy

    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    So with the new update you can set the values of blocks! This allows us, the players, to balance our own economy. Here's what I did:


    I went through and changed a lot of blocks to have a more "Personal" description. Allows RP a bit more, and adds some (IMO) needed depth.


    L1 ore: 50cr

    L2 ore: 150cr

    L3 ore: 750cr

    L4 ore: 3000cr

    L5 ore: 5000cr

    This allows mining to become a (more) viable profession. It also elinates the "Go kill a bandit, you'll never need money again dude." situation.

    I also made some ores worth more or less than others, just so they feel less like the same block with a slightly different texture.


    All tech items have different descriptions now, and are priced as follows:

    L1 Component: 100

    L2 Component: 250

    L3 Component: 500


    This is still a WiP, but when I finish I would upload the file if people request it.

    Open to comments/suggestions!