Recognized by Council Planks and polished stone

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Now that new textures and blocks have been discussed I'd like to remind that I and apparently other people* would like to have polished stone (refined from rock) and planks (refined from wood, duh). Just like you make the carved ones.

    If these are implemented, they should come in slabs and possibly wedges too, so one can properly make interiors, decorations, furniture and whatnot.

    (Also, even if this game has no obligations to minecraft, it would make it easier to port mc schematics as there would be corresponding basic blocks. That's of course not the meaning of this suggestion, but it would be a benefit that would come at the same price)

    Wood Planks, a faithful to RED and ICE wood's description's brown texture, and metal interior walls.

    We have all these cool colors, but we also need more natural looking stones for landscaping (am i the only one to do this in this game?) and while the white and black ones fit well, we need grey too. But the grey stone really need to be brought on par with the others. Just give it a cool name and a polished variant. (then it will eventually be able to be used as an asteroid material if these get reworked at some point.)


    Join the Dark Side
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Yeah, polished wood and such would be nice, though it would also be nice if we could grow trees or something to create more wood. The amount of wood I get from mining planets is paultry, especially considering the planets on my server are 50 radius (to reduce lag).
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Considering I am planning on putting all my stone into a container and launching it into a sun I really want it to be more useful. Turning it into a proper building material would certainly help
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    Join the Dark Side
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Considering I am planning on putting all my stone into a container and launching it into a sun I really want it to be more useful. Turning it into a proper building material would certainly help
    You could use it as hull for some junky drones. lol
    Aug 14, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
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    I'm going to summon kupu to this one. What are your opinions on planks and refined stone in the various shapes to give us some "natural" building options?
    Mar 31, 2016
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    I like the idea. I'd love to be able to start on a planet and build with such things as WOOD for shelter, until you, Idk, pick up some random pistol on the ground that can harvest stone or whatnot?
    Just kidding, I like wood. Building things out of wood is fun cause it comes in so many varieties, and it's just ... neat. Plus, the idea of backwards colonies using wood. Colonies I can subjugate .... colonies I can use .... oh, sorry, can't let you leave this forum page alive now.
    Activating Landmines
    Sep 4, 2013
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    *Notices word Planck in topic title*
    *Enters in hope for some interesting stuff*
    *Oh... It's a plank...*


    Oct 30, 2015
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    More wood textures would be a welcome addition for building. Or, to start with, I would like more existing blocks to have textures that can be oriented in Adv build mode.

    (I got nothin' against planks...or that Planck guy.)
    Jan 19, 2014
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    I think we need a megathread specifically for merging all the decorative suggestions with the OP being a master list linking directly to each of the comments in the thread that make a new suggestion or expanded on an already existing one.

    That way people can run through the list and see if what they want is suggested yet as well as like/agree on the ones they most want to see. New textures, entirely new decorative blocks, and adjustments to existing blocks: slabbed wood, slabbed displays, control panel wedges, rotate terrain blocks like grass that currently can't have their orientations changed, etc. Basically anything that doesn't change any systems mechanics would all really fall under the same category.

    All that people making suggestions would have to do is copy the link to their specific comment in the thread and PM it to the thread's manager with a short name for their suggestion. I'd even volunteer myself to update the master list at least once a week if there's not someone on council that would like to take on the task of managing it.