Planetoid Class Ship causing FPS drops

    Jul 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I've been messing around with a Planetoid class carrier for a couple days now now. Problem is once I hit the 2 million block count the frames just took a nose dive. I was building happily in the 200-300 FPS range until I panned out to take a look at the new smaller ring portion towards the front. Up until now I had been abble to do this just fine. Yet somehow adding a new ring, around 80k blocks, the ship was no longer able to fully render without causing sub 10 FPS. Now this seems like a bit of a drastic drop considering I was running fine before the final ring addition. After completly dismatnling it in frustration and lack of other options to increase performance, no changes took place. Thats to say that the FPS drops continued to happen when getting a panned view of the entire structure.

    That being said, reason im coming here is to see if anyone building on a planetoid scale has run into this problem or anything similar. Heres the view I get when I get the frame drops for a better idea of whats loading in. (Sorry for the image size doesn't seem like resizing works here yet)
    Jul 7, 2013
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    • Purchased!
    I would say they dropped because you built into the next sector. It probably isn\'t the size because it is made entirely of the same block so it is not particularly difficult for the game to render. I can\'t say for certain, because none of my ships are that big, but I have made some very large ones with little to no lag until I start detailing them. (I do the same thing as you and build the entire ship out of grey hull before I had any systems or detail work).
    Jul 13, 2013
    Reaction score
    I have a ship built at around 1500+ meters and it takes a fuckton of time to load as well as causes major server problems as soon as i log on.