Planet Size

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I have been seeing a lot of discussion on the size of planets, which I have also been considering. Right now the planets feel too small and too thin. This is especially problematic if you have seen a 1 block thick ice planet! However, people seem to want to avoid increasing size, logically, due to lag.

    My solution to this would be to have a planet not load until you are within a range closer than it takes now. Perhaps 100m-250m, but once you reached the planet it stopped loading entities that were not within that distance from the planet. Then only things within the planet's radius would load, decreasing the strain on one's computer.

    I would love to hear people's takes on this, I am no programmer but this seems like it would help with lag issues in additon to any optimization that takes place.