Bug Planet plate "sunk" after server stop/start

    Aug 14, 2015
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    Hi, this is my first bug report so please bear with me if some infos are missing, i will add them ASAP if anything is required.

    I started a local multiplayer server about 4 days ago. Today I was doing nothing too special: created a mining ship, mined some asteroids, docked in on my home-planet, added some more factory enhancers and power reactors, then recycled my resources and created some few thousands carved minerals.
    After this logged out (while standing in my on planet base) and closed the server (should the server closing procedure be different than simply closing it's console window?).
    About 10 hours later today i started again and was imprisoned in planet core magma, and needed to use admin teleport to get out. But my planet plate has "sunk" making my former base inaccesible.

    As additional info it might be useful to know that i have built many design scraps of spaceships on this planet (about 10 ranging from 1000 to 3000 grey hull blocks) on rotating poles.

    When i closed and started the server again it seemed to have rolled back a few minutes (my mini ship which i used after the admin teleport was gone) but my planet was back to normal. So this bug isn't too critical