planet idea

    Aug 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    fist sorry for the bad english i know i spell like shit but i hope its possible to understand most of it.and
    also i dont know if i am first with this ideas i am just trying to contribute to meke the game better :)

    in minecraft there is this portals you can build to come to hell or somting like that... wouldent be possible to make a big planetlike portal that teleport the ship to a "planet" like the surface on a minecraft world? with diffrent types of surface depending on the typ of planet like desert or ice or somting or planets done by mostly lava or few like earth and so on... wouldent that remove the problem with sphere planets? also would me nice if these planets had diffrent kind of gravitation flying in a planets atmosphere should be harder and take alot more power from the engines if you ask me.

    also it would be cool on mid/large/gigantic ships and stations so have some kind of npc crew. like npc's doing diffrent stuff like repair stuff and so on. and this npc's can get experience and get higher level and be able do to things faster and better. its should also be a reason to get life support on the ships or bases.

    another thing i have been thinking about is that it should be able to do some improvements on some blocks with a risk that you destroy it by using diffrent parts... should also be a limit of how meny improved blocks you can have on the same ship. and a limit of how meny times you can improve a block. the idea is to give more benefits to smaller ships and should not be albe to do on turrents.

    another thing i rly rly miss in this game is impact dmg.. if you crashes into the lets say the ground of a planet the ship should take damage dependig on the ground it hits. aswell the ground should take dmg just like it take dmg when you shoot a missile on it. ofc not just like a crater but like in shape of the ship that its it depending on the angle speed and so on...
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Very interesting idea, but i do have a Spacevator from my Orbital city to the planet, how would your system deal with that sort of thing? Other than that and the probable lag, and the willpower needed to quash my Grammar Nazi ways, these are very good ideas.
    Aug 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    i have no idea what a Spacevator is ^^ sry

    but the laggs could be solved by having the planets running on another server or somting?

    and also make less planets and stars/shops so you will be forced to use the factory blocks more to get the diffrent blocks to use for a ship.also it would be a reason for ppl to work together to get blocks to build there faction mothership/ships/homebase more powerful?

    i mean some servers could have that as option if thay want to have it or not? could also be somting only available on some kind of premium servers? like that you have to pay a little for ea month to play on or somting? idk about other players but i am open to pay for the opportunity to play on a large server free from laggs with alot of players on it.. factions go to war aginst ea over diffrent planets and resources.
    i like the idea of ppl working together to deffend or conquer.
    Aug 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    well i dont think it can be solved with an elevator but it could be able to build small portals aswell?... like stargates if you have seen that on tv. the more power the \"gate\" have access to the farther it can transport you. like some kind of entrance block and then you have to set a destination block if you got enuf power it will work. if not you cant enter... of you can make it more funny if you dont have enuf power you can end up anywhere between the 2 portals? :P

    if thay made some new kind of power saving tank only for base it could be able to charge enuf power for a \"jump\" this would give the gate some kind of cd be4 it can be used again?

    or some other kind of transport device like a teleport beam or somting... in that case that could also be used to board enemy ships when there shields is down? also save players from ships if there life support is failing?

    idk i just brainstorm atm have not thought of this player transport outside the ships so much be4