Oxygen and Alien Races

    Jun 29, 2013
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    I think that you should add in alien races which can be hostile or peaceful and the peaceful ones you can co-inhabit a planet together and the aggressive kill on sight. Also all races would have their speical weapons you get it from trades from the peaceful ones and scavenge off of the ships of the aggressive ones. Another thing for the alien races is add more hulls specified to those races with their own nice textures. Another idea i had was put doors and other blocks to use and put in an oxygen bar to make it realistic(kinda like minecrafts breath bar for underwater) and add in oxygen units you have to make/buy in order to have a stable ship or station.

    I know its alot to ask but this could make the game a whole lot more fun as well as adding in some kind of skill chart so you can customize your character since skins are difficult to do and its already a tad RPG-ish(minecraft is an RPG game by now as well). Another thing is add more laser weapons like a photon laser and another since you do have 3 types of missiles you could do more for the aggressive laser cannons. im thinking you could add in different engines that give you different speeds out of them as well aand make people consider how fast they really want to go with their ships.

    These are my ideas for now. I will most likely have more after the next update.
    Jun 7, 2013
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    Handheld weapons - I assume that\'s what you mean - are going to be in for the sake of planetary combat. Many NPC creatures are also suggested.

    Oxygen bar - depends on how implemented - could be a bother and make the performance drop significantly. It may also be a very nice thing, yes, but I cannto really comment right now since I dont\' really know how do you want this thing implemented.

    I think that adding different hulls and weapons that are just copies of other hulls and weapons - alien or otherwise - is, pardon me for shooting it down, a horrible idea. Variety is one thing, but either you didn\'t explain your ideas or they lack practical dimension. More stuff for the sake of more stuff is hardly a good argument.

    Same with engines. The only difference mentioned is speed, which currently is more of a gimmick than anything as every ship, including bulky battleships can speed up easily up to the hard server limits. Please do write the effect on the balance, why would anyone NOT go for the fastest one immediately, especially since now cost of blocks is hardly a concern for anyone but freshly starting player.

    Lastly, search. It\'s nice you try to share your input with the community but there are already threads with nearly all of them already shared and explained and in far better way, with current mechanics, balance and utility in mind.