Optional Starmade Ideas

    Would you like a Story line in Starmade?

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    May 7, 2018
    Reaction score

    Long story short, I have done some digging on these forums and found many people with amazing ideas and with incredible builds I could never hope of ever building. So much creativity and impressive amounts too, yet we have been unable to create a set story. Now I could be completely wrong and perhaps Schine has made a story and I just missed it if so someone point me in the right direction. If not, I have an idea, my friend, I have been throwing around for a little while. Now before I begin I must say I am not the best at Starmade, I'm also not an original player, nor am I the head of a server, but... I love this game and wish for it to become all that it can be.

    My idea, which I hope is original, is to an optional neutral faction with quests and a few premade ship players would only have to, either collect the proper parts or buy. Or simply have the same setup materials as it is right now and be given the freedom they may wish. These two options might work a little like this; Firstly, like the game, we have now, open space free to room and do as they will to create the universe in which they wish to play. The second, a large storyline with factions that fight and battle all the time or at the very least create areas of great tension in areas of space where it may be dangerous to fly but very rewarding. (again big thing here is players who don't want to partake in the conflict don't have to they can be Bounty Hunters or Cargo Transports that don't follow any side) When the player first loads up he or she is given a basic mining ship and sent to an area for a quest and can slowly build up EXP and ship potential/size/money. He or she may return to the start for more quests and continue in that faction or head out to one of the other factions and try their luck there.

    Couple more things, if anyone has played the game Escape Velocity on the old mac computers(id say the new one too but I have not played it yet) will know there are two big factions with traders and pirates in between. Now, this idea is not my own many people have already begun to create different in-game factions with there own ships and behaviors. Which I must say is incredibly impressive, and I wish I had the much talent. Also, I'm not saying we copy a story like Star Trek Starwars Escape Velocity or any other popular Science Fiction show/game. This is Starmade, we have the option to do whatever we want the possibilities are literally limitless. We do have to follow some kind of guidelines so, this is my solution to this potential problem.

    We need at least three-four factions I feel, with a smaller faction in between the bigger ones are trying to win over. Couple ideas, firstly we could either use a Corrupt empire/federation or an Alien invasion of some kind Vs either a rebellion or the residents of the galaxy standing up for themselves. Then the factions in between could be the Pirates, which we already have, Traders who don't care about either side just want to make the most money and possible an Elite Fighter Wing that just wants to be left alone and if someone proves themselves a good pilot or builder may enter the order, then if the Elite Fighter Wing were to join a side would help tremendously. Now arguably this whole idea could be thrown out, however, one problem... this kind of intergalactic conflict requires dozens of people on both side... and as far as I know there are not many servers that have large faction fighting for control or help new players get off the ground.(again may be wrong if so feel free to prove me wrong)

    Also as a final note on this, I would be more than willing to write a story and submit it to public review for this, the reason why I would is well one I love the game and two, I'm a Dungeon Master. Which if you ever played D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) you know what that means. Basically, I create whole world and universe around a story that a couple of my friends play in. This includes not only stories for the characters but also for the NPC of the world and world history and building of its own. Just thought I mention it in case someone asks lol.

    Next, and I know people have been asking for something similar. More Spacial anomalies, large nebulas, densely pact astroid fields, rings on planets and so on. Side note I think I heard somewhere the devs were already working on some of this, so if so just say so and I'll shut up lol. That aside I think it would be incredibly interesting, this might make fights more interesting too. Imagine you fly into a nebula that shuts down shields but also lowers visibly to 50 meters, I can only imagine how that would go over. Also with the possibility to explore these areas, yes very difficult but possibly very rewarding. Like I mentioned before this is Starmade the possibilities are endless.

    Lastly, they are a couple of things I mentioned that could be more difficult to create or add to the game like an1 EXP model such, however, those little things are just that things we can worry about at a later date. For now, this is all I ask/propose; let's work together to create whatever we want, like more factions with bigger intergalactic struggles or little-hidden areas all over, or to create anomalies in space that are very real and possibly dangerous. Feel free to comment and ask questions, if I misspoke or said something weird just ask and I'll do the best I can to straighten things out. If this becomes popular I'll make more posts like this with polls to see if people would possible like a story of some kind, whether it be from me someone else or multiple people is up to the community.
    May 25, 2018
    Reaction score
    I'm not exactly sure about your ideas of a story like tho, one example I imagined was that of avorian where is this hints of background lore and afew types of merchants that head to different sectors every once in awhile selling items (1 of which may be one of the legendary alien artifact upgrades).

    I would support a storyline that is like an introduction to the universe and to maybe explain why your initial spawn is at a specific location. But outside of that, it's player driven. Because the story line after players start is dictated by other players and themselves. Wether a place is destroyed and how it was destroyed is told to you through others.

    Derelicts are also great examples (as one Star citizen video for a ship promotion said " others may see these wrecks as trash, but I don't. Every one of these has a story". (Not sure if I even if what I typed was correct) but basically the idea is that those wrecks have a story of their own, from possible usages of the vessel before it was destroyed to how it met it's end. You can look at factions and talk about their age of expansion or their downfall.
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