One Of Those Facepalm Moments

    Jan 14, 2016
    Reaction score
    • Community Content - Silver 1
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    • Legacy Citizen 8
    I have been bleating on lately in the forums as to how I don't seem to have the issues with fleet mining as some people and feel sometimes as if I am some kind of unofficial ambassador of the "art".

    Imagine then my frustration when I build a brand new mining fleet and go to test it out. Commands are issued and ships just sit there blankly staring at the asteroid or when I ask them to line up quietly ready to dock with the carrier they bugger off towards another sector! I check and recheck connections, see if they will work manually, everything.

    Finally, and with a seething anger that could see me reach my hand into the screen, grab my Dave and choke the life out of him for somehow being responsible the dumb reality begins to dawn.

    My flagship is 2 sectors away and is a work in progress hull with neither power or thrust! The carrier, and obviously what should have been the flagship is about five places down on the list and this is what was throwing my tests out.

    I could have cried!