NPC ideas.

    Dec 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    I think NPCs are confirmed for the future, so here are some of my ideas:

    Bold and italic words are objects that aren't in the game but are needed for robots/androids.

    Robots/androids: These are NPCs you can make with body parts and the like. You will need an Advanced Bobby AI module. This has to be crafted not bought. It requires a Bobby AI module, any type of memory chip (the lower the tier the less data the robot can hold), an intelligence chip (the lower the tier the less things the robot/android can do. The highest 3 chips have to be used for an android), a personality chip and a power coil. This makes the Advance AI module and this is basicly the brain. The body parts are made with some minerals and hull pieces. Wires are needed in general body parts as well as a robotic heart to store and pump power.

    Planet dwelling NPCs:

    Sand planet:

    Sand dwellers: They are camel-like humanoids that can live in deserts. They have a seperate model to the standard player model. They have a small hump on their backs and have dark beige coloured skin. They wear long, flowing clothes. Sometimes hostile, mostly neutral.

    Mars planet:

    Martians: Self explanatory. Sometimes hostile, mostly neutral, rarely passive.

    Ice planet:

    Icemen: They have light blue skin that glows slightly. They use the same model has a player. They wear normal clothes as they can cope with the freezing weather perfectly. They can have, white, dark blue or bluey-grey hair. Often neutral, mostly passive, sometimes hostile.

    Earth planet:

    Humans: Really self explanatory. Mostly neutral, often passive, rarley hostile.

    Alien planet:

    Classic aliens: Self explanatory. Mostly hostile, sometimes passive, sometimes neutral.

    All hostile planet dwellers are either criminals or their species is generally hostile. With classic aliens and martians only certain planets will have only hostile or only passive and neutral ones spawn. So you might find 2 mars or 2 alien planets and on one everyone there attacks you but on the other no one attacks you apart from some who only attack when provoked. Some planets might be military bases for a species or a prison planet for criminal NPCs. On prison planets there will be some neutral NPCs of any random species. These are prison guards and they become hostile if you cross restricted areas. You get 3 warnings when crossing restricted areas without clearance. And when you fly within the atmosphere of a military planet without clearance you get 3 warnings then you get shot down.

    Sorry it's so long. Hope you like my ideas and i certainly hope schema at least thinks about adding these.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Sure. Is every planet going to be inhabited? Also, could some stations have NPCs?

    Also, I think robots will all have to wind up having the same body type to avoid problems with modeling.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I think it would be more interesting if Alien NPCs were randomly generated, similar to the creatures that are being added. A single alien race should also live on multiple planets and stations, having control over a large section of a solar system, instead of one race per planet, and not even being space faring.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    And if you fight one of these alien, you may end up fighting all of this species?

    As an Easter-Egg there could be an Earth, Vulcans/Klingons, etc in protected sectors / or solar systems :)

    What do you think how the code could look like?

    How it is done in this game - would be good to know, so we can know what to expect. (Tentacles or many heads (Cerberus) might be cpu-intensive, dependent on how it\'s done.)